School is boring.
I think the only good thing about school is lunch, friends and art! I skip into my favorite art class and head straight towards my vase.
"Miss Jenson, you are energetic." Jacob greets.
"Indeed I am! I have one more koi fish to detail and then I'm done!" I beam.
"Nice. I'm working on this- I'm not really sure what it is yet but." He says holding up a sketch of a bird in a tree.
"cute." I look at a hidden birds nest in the corner. "Is that a bird nest?" I ask, pointing to the nest.
"No. It's just a scribble- but actually! Yes, I will make it a birds nest! Thanks for the idea V." He walks back to his table.
Carefully carrying my vase toward the table I sit down carefully. The glass is very delicate.
I see Lucas's foot ready to move the chair and I glare at him. I've been taking lessons from Grey by watching mimicking his glare.
"Intimidating." He mocks.
"Don't you dare Lucas!" I warn.
I finally place my vase on the table satisfied I didn't drop it.
As soon as I place it down and go to sit Lucas moves my chair causing me to fall on my non-existing butt.
"Lucas!" I shriek.
Grey comes in the class and sees me on the floor.
"What did you do this time." He looks down at me.
"Lucas moved my chair." I frown with a fake scowl.
He holds his large hand and I place my mine in it. Sparks shoot up my hand making me want to snatch my hand back, but also leave it in his all day.
"Thanks." I say once I get up.
I blush slightly and look away. Those dang sparks.
I feel them still linger even after he and I have sat down. I begin moving my slightly trembling fingers to a paint brush and inwardly grow irritated at his affect on me. I have those dang butterflies and sparks and can't shake the feeling.
Quite lift I'm shaking. What am I? A chihuahua!?
"I'm going to get some paint do you guys want some?" I ask courteously.
"Red!" Lucas shouts not making eye contact as he's very focused on his board.
"Black." Grey says monotone.
He has no affect! I'm shaking and he's as cool as a cucumber! Life stinks.
"Ok." I mumble walking away.
I go to grab my usual hues of orange and grab two separate cups of red and black. Walking back I place them on the table and hand out Grey and Lucas's cups.
"thanks." Lucas replies, very focused with his tongue slightly sticking out.
Grey says no thank you because he's a unmannerly butt.
"sidekick." I say in a firm voice.
no response.
"Sidekick!" I say firmer. He better be ready for a talk about manners.
"What do you say?" I scold him like a child. "th-" I start for him.
"thank you." He rolls his eyes.
"You're welcome!" I smile happily. I will train him.
"So, Lucas." I wiggle my eyebrows. "about, Jamie?"
"What about her." He blushes slightly.
"A little birdie told me about a date going on tonight."
"Ya." He scratches his neck.
"You better take care of her! You are my friend but don't think I wont hunt you down if you hurt her!"
"I won't hurt her!" He says defensively.

Romance•1• His tongue slips in and I get caught off guard. Woah buddy! I push back slightly and he let's go and looks into my eyes. "what?" he asks confused. No trace of anger, but instead- confusion. "Sorry." I pant out. "I just. We're friends." I say...