"These are our three sons, and this is our little girl." Mrs. Ridge introduces the kids.
"Well hello there," My mom smiles, leveling to the little girls height.
"Kids introduce yourselves!" Mrs. Ridge says pushes them.
"Grey." Grey says huskily.
"Nathan." Nathan smiles.
"Hi I'm Lucas!" Lucas says in his perpetual happy tone.
"This here is-" Mrs. Ridge starts.
The little girl looks up before saying her name. "Melody." She says shyly.
"Well, welcome!" My mom claps. "Dinner is ready, so come over to the dinning room." She guides everyone.
"V?" Lucas asks confused.
"I thought you lived in Green-village?" I question confused.
"Oh-" Lucas says scratching his neck. "I sorta wanted you and Grey to get along..." He says nervously. "So I made him drive you so that- you know you could actually get along." He smiles awkwardly.
"You butt!" I smack his chest.
We laugh and make our way to the dinning table.
I'm so confused, so Grey and Lucas are....brothers?
They look completely different. Like day and night, they have completely different auras, looks, I mean everything!
Conversation is going on but my head is still so confused.
"hm?" He hums in a questioning tone as his face is stuffed with mashed potatoes.
"So you and Grey are... brothers?" I point a fork between the two.
"um- ya." He nods. Simply as if the whole situation was obvious.
"wait so then why did you say you meet him at school?"
"Oh!" He chuckles. "Grey didn't want anyone to know I was his brother." He smiles at me.
why? I question in my head.
"Shut the fuck up." Grey mumbles.
"Grey, language!" Melody scolds in a whisper scream.
I giggle at the little girl scolding a huge baby named: Grey. They seem really close. She held his hand all the way to the table and was sad to let it go.
"Why?" I pester the question.
"I dunno, because Grey is a weirdo." He teases.
Grey sends him a death glare and I see Lucas slightly move away in fright.
"Can you guys stop talking about me now?" Grey asks.
"Violet, have you meet my sons before?" Mrs. Ridge asks from across the table.
"I have." I smile at her.
"What grade are you in hon?"
"I'm a senior." I state proudly.
"Oh! My I thought you were a sophomore or something! You are so tiny." She smiles back me.
"Nope I'm a senior." I smile back a little awkwardly.
"So you have seen Grey and Lucas around right?"
"Yes ma'am." I reply politely.
"Are they nice?" Mrs. Ridge asks, more of a warning tone to the boys as she takes a sip of her wine.
Not your wonderful son Grey. I want to say but I keep my mouth shut. "Of course," I nod.
"Good!" She smiles back and goes back to the 'adult' conversation.
"Not him." Lucas coughs quietly and nods towards Grey.
"Whatever." Grey stabs into his steak forcefully.
He stares at me and I stare at him. If this a staring contest I going to have to opt out, because I'm not really good at those.
"have any siblings?" Nathan asks looking around.
"Nope! Only child." I reply.
"Lucky." Nathan mumbles.
The rest of dinner mostly consisted of the adults and kids talking separately.
Melody talked to me. Actually, she talked a lot.
She updated me on the newest 'My Little Pony' episode and her strong opinions on the new episode. She also complained about how she has no one to play with.
"You should come play with me!" She suggests.
"Maybe..." I tilt my head.
"Yes! You should! Ohhhh it'll be so fun!" She giggles thinking about the idea.

Romance•1• His tongue slips in and I get caught off guard. Woah buddy! I push back slightly and he let's go and looks into my eyes. "what?" he asks confused. No trace of anger, but instead- confusion. "Sorry." I pant out. "I just. We're friends." I say...