•chapter twenty four•

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"And so you should totally talk to him because you would look so cute together! I mean I setup  Lucas and Jamie and could do-"

"V thanks, but no thanks. I'm into girls." She smiles at me.

"Oh. You should've told me- I'm so sorry..." I shake my head embarrassed.

"It's okay V! Is Grey interested?"

"no." I blush at how I just assumed Opal likes boys.

"good. You should talk to Grey. You two would look cute." She winks and gives a small smile as we enter the cafeteria.

"No way! Cats and dogs would have be to literally raining from the sky for that to happen. Actually, no. That would hurt their paws and I would never want that to happen to innocent animals." I frown.

"Sup Lili and Jamie, and...Lucas." Opal greets.

I look to the table and sure enough Lucas is here!

"Hey Lucas!" I beam at him.

"Jamie do you want to come grab a soda with me?" I ask dropping my bag off at my seat.


We walk to the vending machine and after a few steps away from the table I ask the question that's been on my mind.

"When did that happen!"

"um- your match-making thing." She shrugs.

I smile brightly and take in that I truly am the wonderfully, best, amazing, spectacular, show stopping matchmaker in town.

We go to sit down and I jump when the seat next to me is sat in hard.

"Associate do you have to be so harsh! I mean what did the poor chair do?"

He grumbles something incoherently and scoops up his sandwich and and bites into it. More of a chomp than a bite honestly.

"You ok there pal?" I ask softly looking at him.

"The fuck? Yes." He says munching.

"You're just so- harsh. With everything." I take note.


"what kind of sandwich do you have today?" I ask trying to spark a conversation.

He ignores me and continues munching.

I turn my gaze away from him and look to Lili.

"Lili! You have Math first period right?" I ask.


"What do we do?"

"um- Notes! I slept through them..."  She admits slightly ashamed.

I laugh and catch Grey looking at me in my peripheral vision.

This weird feeling happens when I look at him. Almost like a whole body shake- but visually not noticeable.

Maybe it's just because he's... intimidating?

But when I touch him it also feels weird. I blame electricity, but I can't help but wonder if it could be something else. It makes me feel so alive? I'm very confused. My heart beats too fast, that's for sure.

I spot Opal across from me and she seems very focused on chipping her beautiful nail polish. The very one I put on her yesterday.

"Opal! Stop! Do you know how hard I worked on those?" I scold.

"Don't care."

See! she's just like Grey!

I look around aimlessly. Jamie and Lucas are engrossed in a what looks to be interesting conversation. Opal is focused on getting rid of my art on her nails, Lili is trying to catch up on math notes she missed, and Grey is munching away.

I'm bored.

"Grey?" I ask to grab his attention.

He turns his head and looks at me. A curl falls down his forehead and his icey grey eyes look at me intensely. The window on the roof perfectly displays his face and accentuates his sharp jawline.

I don't say anything, because I'm gawking at him! Crap.

"what." He grunts, semi-aggravated.

"hi." I smile up at him.

He rolls those gorgeous grey eyes and I bite my lip.

Oh no! What am I doing?


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