•chapter thirty eight•

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Walking into school I feel so much better and I am determined to be positive all day. All science I actually payed attention and did the same in english too!

"Hey, did you know that bananas are radioactive?" I ask, sitting down happily in my seat at lunch.

"There's the V I know!" Lucas smiles.

"How are you feeling V? better?" Jamie asks.

"Ya.. I don't know what I happened yesterday." I shake my head. "But I'm better now!" I smile.

"V! Guess what!" Lili says sitting down quickly.


"We do nothing in math absolutely nothing! And I heard Mr. Kingston is still sad about one of his puppies being sold."

"Mr. Kingston had puppies?" Opal peers up from her sandwich.

"Yeah. Opal you were probably asleep." Lili shoos "Anyway! I was thinking If y'all are open we could skip!" She wiggles her eyebrows.

I slightly jump at the sudden movement and I know exactly who it is.

"Hi." I smile up at him.

"You feel better." He examines me. He looks head to toe like I had purple skin. He was a weirdo.

"Yes." I giggle placing a hand on his.

"Do you want to?" Lili presses on the table out of excitement.

"I mean why not." I shrug happily. "What about you guys?" I ask the table.

"I'm down." Jamie chucks a french fry in her mouth.

Opal nods as a yes and Lucas shrugs.

"What are we talking about?" Grey turns towards Lili.

"Skipping!" Lili beams proud of her idea. She taps her fingers on the table and looks like a little dog wagging her tail.

"ok." he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" I lean towards Lili.

"We... we leave after lunch. I mean how hard could it be." She shrugs.

"And go where?" Opal asks.

"Mini golfing!" Jamie blurts. "Sorry I-I've just been really wanting to do that." She smiles shyly.

"Why didn't you tell me babe?" Lucas asks her.

"I dunno." She says moving her food around her plate.

"So mini golfing it is!" Lili establishes.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little nervous about getting caught, but I won't be a baby! I don't know why- but I've never wanted to be the party pooper. I'd rather risk whatever just as long as I'm not the party pooper... is that weird?

Lili and Opal talk about the plan, and Jamie and Lucas converse.

"Grey." I turn towards him.

"Hm?" Grey asks while munching on some chips.

"Thank you for bringing me soup yesterday. It was really kind! And I love the flowers. They make my room smell goo-"

Grey pecks a kiss on my cheek, shutting me up.

"Don't mention it." He smirks and goes back to eating chips.

"o-oh okay." I bashfully say.

"Ok, the bell is about to ring at any moment and we need to get out of here with out anyone noticing." Lili says imitating a spy. "girls will go together to the bathroom since that's normal."

"In a group of four?" Lucas asks with clear doubt lacing his words.

"Duh. It's what girls do!" Lili rolls her eyes. "Anyways, you boys go get a drink or something-" She waved off.

"Why can't we go with you." Grey asks monotonous.

"Because you guys would make it too obvi-"

"But you guys are going in a group of four!" Lucas says trying to wrap his mind around a whole bunch of girls leaving all at one time.

"Stop interrupting!" Lili playful scolds. "It's normal. Trust me Lucas. Grey I know you want to be next to V or whatever but just two seconds and you'll survive. Ok. So you guys go to the soda machine or something. And then, come to the bathroom near the hall by the middle stair case. Then we make our way out the door to the field. Exit the field and BAM we are in the parking lot. We can drive together or separately I couldn't give less of a shit." Lili finishes her plan with a smirk.

"Wow how long have you been planning this?" Jamie asks.

"Opal and I have been hatching it while you two love birds have been talking. Anyhoo! Everyone got that?" She goes back to boss mode.

We all collectively nod.

"Ok! In a few minutes the girls will leave. Boys-don't leave right away. Wait for like a minute or so and then leave. It'll look too suspicious if you leave the second we leave." She scans the cafeteria.

No one is looking at us.

Well expect Sally, but her gaze isn't on the girls.

It's on Grey.


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