Chapter 01

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Nobody's POV

She touched his neck and slowly came closer.
„T-This feels wrong."
She slowly stopped and looked at the puzzled face of the boy.
„But why does it feel wrong now?"
Their eyes were locked. She got up, took her bag and left. The bus came just right.

As she arrived at home,  she plopped her tiny frame into the couch and was confused.
Why didn't she stop beforehand?
Why did she do it?

5 hours earlier

She dressed herself nice and neat, just right for a perfect dinner. Her boyfriend and her had been together for 3 years now, recently she's been wanting to hear something special from him but he doesn't give any signals.

Arriving at the restaurant, she makes her way to the table. Now waiting for her boyfriend to arrive she checks her instagram. "No new dm's". Finally he arrived.

"Hey Babe. I'm so sorry the traffic was just really-"

"I know, no need to be sorry" she cut him off, smiling as if she was sorry.

It's always the same excuse. He doesn't even live that far from the restaurant.

"Let's sit, shall we?" Her boyfriend lightly smiled and pulled out the chair for her.

Jiwon's POV

After a while, I decided to go to the restroom. My boyfriend Taehyung has been looking awkwardly nervous the whole dinner long, something definitely was off.

As I was washing my hands after using the restroom a group of women were talking beside me.

"Oh my god yes the ring is from my TaeTae! He proposed so romantically earlier today and I guess now I can be called Mrs.Kim!" one of the women said.

I frowned at the name "TaeTae". That's what I usually call my Taehyung and his surname is Kim too. It's probably just a coincidence.

"Okay girls don't tell others but right now he still has this pest-like girlfriend who just won't break up with him, so annoying I know. He only loves me, crazy how she hasn't noticed yet." the woman said again.

At this point my face went from frowning to a confused yet angry face. This sure has to be a coincidence. Tae would never do such things, he's way too kind and loves me too much.

"Oh I think you told us some while ago! Wasn't that cow's name Jiwon or something? Even her name is annoying." one of her sidekicks said.

My tears slowly began tearing. Now I was sure that it was me and Taehyung they were talking about. I fastened my pace and ran into an open stall. Sitting on the closed toilet seat, I was now waiting until the girls went out of the restroom so I could cry in peace.

The thought of Taehyung proposing to someone other than me made me even angrier than the fact how the girls talked about me, not knowing their "cow" was actually standing next to them listening to everything they were saying about her.

Hearing the sound of laughters fading and the door closing, I went out of the stall washing my hands again and leaving the restroom to finally hess. back to Taehyung.

Should I should confront him? Or keep quiet? Should I indirectly ask if he's been in contact with other girls?

Ugh what did I do to deserve this?


I slowly started to go back to the table only to be greeted by his mistress and him discussing something, clearly not noticing my presence.

"TaeTae who are you here wit-" I cut her off.

"With me. Fuck this Taehyung I can't believe how you chose some Hagrid looking girl over me. I thought you were better than this." I looked him in the eyes clearly annoyed but still heartbroken.

"Jiwon you know I only love yo-"

"Save it. I've heard enough about you guys in the restroom." I looked at them both, while Miss Wannabe Regina George smirks at me.

I took my bag and ran out of the restaurant, fighting for my tears not to flow because I wanted to seem like the tough one in this situation.


There I stood. In the aisle of sweets at the nearest 7/11 around the restaurant. I was now debating over if I rather wanted the hazelnut chocolate or some gummy bears to eat my sorrow away.

Turns out I wanted both.

"Jiwon?" someone behind me said.

"Minho? What are you doing here at this hour?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking you that! What is a pretty lady like you doing here all alone at night, in a 7/11?!" he argues.

I blushed a little at the compliment but didn't ask further into it. Right now the thought of Taehyung enjoying himself with a squeaky little rat is making me gag and cry at the same time.

That's when my eyes started to tear.

"O-Oh my god Jiwon! Why are you crying?" he looked at me with these teddy bear eyes I couldn't resist since we were kids.

He pulled me into a soft, yet extremely warm hug that immediately made me forget that we're standing in the sweets aisle of our local 7/11.

Minho and I kinda grew up together. We got to know each other in middle school and clicked at the first sight. We had our up's and down's in high school, but  our adulthood brought us together again.

Ever since I had been with Taehyung I suddenly lost all my friends, including Lee Minho. I had been too focused on my relationship with Tae that I never went out with any other people.

After he pulled away from the hug, he gave me a sincere smile and suddenly had a smug grin on his face.

"Want to go out just like the old times? It would be the perfect opportunity to catch up in our favorite bar!" He excitingly suggests.

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I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of this book!
If you have any suggestions on style, content or anything else please do tell me!

your author rose

7/11 - park seonghwa Where stories live. Discover now