Chapter 03

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Jiwon's POV

There he stood. My fiancé-
Wait, ex-fiancé, Kim Taehyung. Not gonna lie, him leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face and his messy black curls looked really hot under the LED Lights of the bar.
I kinda pushed Minho off to face Taehyung. He scoffed.

"What do you want?" I held a serious face, even though I was at the verge of tears since everything just happened today.

"You. I want you. Remember the first night we had spent togethe-"Minho ran up to him. His fist landed perfectly on Taehyung's Cheek.

"You bastard!"Taehyung was about to punch back before I stood between them.


I grabbed Minho's arm and ran to the park, which luckily was near the bar.
I looked into his eyes, while he looked at my now reddened cheek.

"What the heck was that, hm?" I confronted him.

"That dumb stick was annoying, if I didn't punch him literally anyone else would've done it." He shrugged, now looking at the floor.

I sighed, now bringing his chin up so that his eyes were looking into mine.

"Please don't do that, I now he's a dick but you'd be the dumber one by punching him." I smiled softly.

Minho's POV

Damn, her eyes really held up the whole universe. What the heck are you saying Minho, she's your best friend.

I got closer, her heartbeat was now pumping against my chest as well and her steady breath was hitting my neck.
She already closed her eyes, she's visibly nervous. I guess I make her feel that type of way, huh?

I giggled, now walking away from her while she was still waiting for something to happen.

"LEE MINHO I WAS WRONG YOU ARE THE BIGGER DICK!" she screamed behind my back.

"I mean, I'm not one but I sure have the bigger one." I screamed back, smirking at her flustered state. She now began to run towards me, while having that adorable yet angry look on her face, cute.

One of the things that made me fall for her-
Wait, Minho what the heck are you thinking?

Jiwon's POV

Minho and I parted ways after our little "trip" to the park. I had now arrived at my apartment, when I heard my phone go off.

one new text message

Hey Jiwon, I'm back in town!
Do you have some spare time
to meet up tomorrow? You
know, in our favorite 7/11?

May I know who this is?

Wow, already forgot me :(
Who used to buy you tampons
when you've had a fight with
your dad because he didn't
want to get you some?

Chungha! Dude when did you get a new phone number??

Eh, some time ago.
Now tell me that you'll meet
me tomorrow so I can tell
you everything that happened
back in Chicago >:(

Okay namjesus chill :(
I'll be there bye 2, good nightie
Dream of me <33

That's gay, but I love it :3
Good night, dream of
your Taehyungie heheh
Read 11:09pm

Speaking of Taehyung, I still have tons of stuff at his place, what am I going to do? Should I call Namjoon so he will go there with me?

I decided to give him a call, he invited me to meet up at his bar again, so now I was on the way there.

It was quite late now and because it was a Wednesday night, no one really visited the bar at this hour, that means Namjoon and I were almost alone there. Just a few workers were left, but they would leave anytime now.

His shirt's first three buttons were loose and under that dim light, his caramel skin and hair looked so fine. Get to your senses Jiwon!

"Damn, didn't know you were this eager to meet again after a few hours, kitten." He smirked.

"I wanted to ask you something." I sat down next to him at the bar.

"Please come with me to collect my stuff from Taehyung's place tomorrow, I can't go there alone." I had my most pleading look on to convince him, but he looked rather confused?

"Tae's place? Kitten, aren't you getting married to that man in a few months?" His left eyebrow was now arched, which gave him a questioning look.

"About that... I broke things off after I found out he cheated on me." I felt tears coming up again and I didn't want Namjoon to see me like this.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'll come with you.Come here, Kitten." He opens his arms, leading me to hug him and damn, his cologne hits different.

A man could look and be like trash, but if he smells good, he has already captured my heart.

Just then, Namjoon started leaving little pecks down my temple. His workers have already gone home and the lights were dimly lit, changing between the colors blue, purple and red.

I was grabbing onto his torso, kinda enjoying this moment. He then looked me in the eyes and started lustfully kissing me.
Who wouldn't want a whole meal to kiss her? But was it the right thing? Kissing the best friend of your ex the day you guys broke things off?

I didn't want to think about, so I replied to his kiss. Things were heated pretty fast, as he sat me down in the bar counter, gripping onto my thigh. We were making out for about 10 Minutes, until he started pulling at the zipper of my dress, that I had originally worn for Taehyung's and my date.

I touched his neck, while he was marking mine with his love bites, but I pulled him away.
"T-This feels wrong."
I slowly stopped and looked at the puzzled face of Namjoon.
"But why does it feel wrong now?"
Our eyes were locked. I got up, took my jacket and left. The bus came just right.

As I arrived at home, I plopped my tiny frame onto the couch and was confused.
Why didn't I stop beforehand?
Why did I do it?

It wouldn't count as cheating anymore, but the guilt still ate me up. Maybe it wasn't because of Taehyung but because if another male?


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I sure hope you did.
It was difficult writing that bar scene with Namjoon cus sis can't write smutty things <33

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