Chapter 04

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Jiwon's POV

I couldn't sleep

"Jiwon, I'll help you, just let me."
There was a guy in my dream. That voice, I know it but now I couldn't tell who it was.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Don't you recognize me, I'm-" I was interrupted by my phone. It's like, 4 am, who is calling me?

I can hear it calling
from where you are
loving the way you wanna ta-

"N-Namjoon? Why the hell are you calling me at 4am?" I was still a bit flustered from yesterday but I managed to ask him.

"Kitten,"He chuckled

"it's 1pm, didn't you open your curtains yet? The sun is shining and it's noon honey." By the way he was talking, I could notice that he's smirking through the phone.

Jiwon, you're so dumb! How could you sleep that much?!

I ran to my window, finally opening my curtains just to be greeted by the warm spring sun.

"Kitten, I'll be there in 5. You better be ready to go collect your stuff from Taehyung's." He said and hung up.

What a nice way to start the day, huh?
But wait, did he forget everything that happened yesterday? He's not acting weird at all..

Anyways, I wore a simple blouse with a black skirt and pearl earrings to match my baby blue blouse.

Namjoon's POV

A while ago

That woman.

She's driving me crazy. If it wasn't for Taehyung, I would've made her mine long time ago. Anyone with eyes and a healthy mind would do that. Not to forget about the night they had yesterday.

I put on a light green polo shirt and black ripped jeans, can't forget my Glock 17 though. Someone has to keep that woman safe. If Taehyung was dumb enough to lose that woman just like that, I'll stay by her and I won't let that prick, Lee Minho, come near her.

Isn't it like betraying your friend, since I am friends with Minho too? It isn't. My friendship with Minho is nothing but played, so that Y/N won't notice.

I got into my black maserati, now driving towards Jiwon's apartment.

Nobody's POV

Jiwon quickly ran outside, since Namjoon was waiting there for a while now.

"Are you okay, Kitten?" He had a hint of concern in his voice as he asked.

"I guess I'm fine, yeah. You?" She was flustered again, memories from the night before were flashing through her mind.

"I'm great but are you sure you don't have some type of fever?" The now obviously concerned Namjoon asked again.

"Just keep driving!" She looked out of the window to prevent him seeing her like that.

Taehyung's apartment wasn't far from hers, so thankfully the drive was not that long.

"You can stay in the car, I'll quickly get my things and come back." he nodded as a reply.

Jiwon's POV

Breathe Jiwon, Breathe.

*Ding Dong*

He stood in front of me. His curls messier than ever, eye bags under his eyes and still in sweats.

"Jiwon?" He was shocked. His eyes wide open, now staring at me.

"I want to get my stuff." I tried to be cool and mad at the same time, so that he wouldn't think I'm a weak wimp, but he probably already knows that I indeed am a weak wimp.

"Look Babe, we can talk things out. The girl at the restaurant is just a dumb who-"

"Stop. Save it. I don't need you." I cut him off.

To avoid any conversations, I pushed pat him and ran directly into his room, taking all my sweaters and skincare products that I used to leave here incase I slept over.

He was sitting on his couch, tears rolling down his face. I felt bad, but didn't want to hear his annoying excuses. I didn't want to look at him while I was going back to the car.

"Got everything?" Namjoon asked and I hummed as a response.

"I want to take you somewhere." He was talking to me, even though his eyes were glued to the road.

"Where?" Where could be be taking me?

"You'll see."


Here we were. One of the most fancy restaurants in the city. I knew Namjoon was rich, since our dads used to be in contact together with some other "rich guys".

We sat down, I was looking at the menu while he was cautiously looking around us.

"Is something up?"His careful looking was tensing me up.

"Everything's fine, what did you choose?" He suddenly stopped looking around, now looking at me with a warm but quick smile.
His dimples now visible, paired with his squinted eyes.

"I'll take a medium rare steak, a baked potato and a glass of red wine." I told him, so he could order for us.

Just when our waiter has taken our order, 16 men with black masks stormed in, each of them armed.

Suddenly I locked eyes with one of them. Neither of us was moving, it's like we were in trance while everyone else was panicking. They were the eyes from my dream, the guy who appeared in my dream. Who are you?

He broke off the eye contact and ran after his teammates. Namjoon immediately took out his gun-
Wait, a gun?!  Why does Namjoon have a gun? Was it with him the whole time?

He took my hand and steadily went to the exit while trying to shoot some of the 16 men. I was lowkey hoping he wouldn't shoot the guy from my dream. There was something about him that attracted me, I guess it's just the curiosity.

Finally free from the mafia guys, we were now seated in Namjoon's car again and he was driving unusually fast, taking I route that I want familiar with.

"Kim Namjoon, why the heck did you have a gun with you? Who were these guys and where are you taking m-"

"I am a mafia. So are these 16 guys."

Wooohoooo did you enjoy this chapter?

Who do you think were these 16 guys?
A tip: it could be 2 groups combined

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