Chapter 09

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Jiwon's POV

After our little talk, we got back inside.

To my suprise, there weren't just the 8 guys anymore. 9 extremely gorgeous women stood in front of me and damn my inner gay jumped out.

I looked at one girl who gave immense boss vibes. She had short brown hair and her eyes pierced through me. I might or might not have blushed.

"Jiwon? Oh my god, she is adorable Jihyo I want to smooch her!" A really high pitched voice tuned out of nowhere. It was a girl with long, light-pink hair. She looked like she came straight out of an anime.

"Sana, chill. The girl doesn't even know us, you're gonna push her away from us. She's probably already weirded out by these 8 crackheads." A girl with short black hair told the girl I believed was Sana. The black-haired girl had small tattoos on her arms, cute.

From the hallway, I could hear that the rest of stray kids were on their way to the living room, which the 9 girls, changbin and I stood in.

Finally, the intimating yet gorgeous boss girl spoke up.

"I'm Park Jihyo. We already know that you're Jiwon, so no need to introduce yourself. Our group is called Twice and we work with Strayteez. You're going to be training with my girls and these 8 guys for a while until you're going to meet ateez and the Boss." She coughed as she said Boss and it seemed like everyone else was eyeing her because of that.

"I can see why boss wants her, who wouldn't? Honestly, it's so hard being a gay nowadays. The hot girls are always wanted by the guys." Sana pouted in a cute way.

"I thought we were a thing though?" A girl with long, blue hair spoke up. She has mono eyelids and an amazing figure.

"Saida will always be real, Dahyun I'd never cheat on you!" Sana jumped to Dahyun, engulfing her in a bear hug which Dahyun seems to be struggeling with.

A guy with blonde, curly hair coughed, waiting so that the attention would be on him.

"Sorry to break your little moment, but NCT have caught onto the fact that we have her," he eyed me.

"And they've most likely contacted BTS by now." He clasped his hands together, rubbing them.

"All thanks to the mighty Park Jihyo who thinks just because her brother is a mafia god, she can do whatever she wants." Minho rolled her eyes after he had eyed Jihyo.

"Who is her brothe-" I got cut off.

"No one. You don't have to know." She gave me the coldest glare I've ever gotten.

Changbin came closer to me, rubbing my back just how a bigger brother would do.

"She's a little sensitive when it comes to her brother, don't mind her." He whispered, giving me a little smile before letting go off me.

"To cut this short, Boss has given us the task to keep her safe for 1 to 2 weeks now. She will be training in various fields to get her prepared. As she has mafia blood in her veins, she should have a bit talent. Ateez will come collect her after the training period in 2 weeks and she must be trained, or else there will be a punishment for us. Changbin and Minho, you will share your room with her." The guy that was called Chris, which had the curly blonde hair spoke up.

Based on Changbin's telling, he was the Leader or Boss of Stray Kids, the subunit of Strayteez.

Nobody's POV

"Seonghwa, there's an incoming call from NCT and BTS." His group member told him.

He took the phone and held it to his ears, not bothering to talk.

"It's not really nice to steal what belonged to us first, Mr.Park. You know this will have consequences, right?" A deep voice aired through the phone. He mockingly spoke the part where he said Mr.Park. It was Namjoon.

"You took something precious from her first, he suffered, you know?" Seonghwa was now walking around his office, looking out of the window ,which covered the whole wall.

"He deserved it. He was the one who kept us from getting the Jiwon, the rightful heir of the Seo Industry, into our mafia business." Namjoon now spoke in a very serious tone.

"She was ours and we got her back. Tell your little friend Z or something that his little ex girlfriend isn't his anymore. She never was. She was and will always be mine." Seonghwa got angry and ended the call.

Hongjoong, his group member, stood at the corner of the room, waiting for him to end the call.

"Seonghwa, aren't you a bit possessive about her? She doesn't even know that you exist. God, she doesn't even know why she's here! Why are you so damn confident that she'll gladly accept you? Do you really think she's going to go head over heels for you just because you want her to?" Hongjoong crossed his arms, spitting straight facts.

"Even if she doesn't, I'll make her fall for me. She's the one I've been keeping my eyes on for years. If only BTS wouldn't have been in the way." He mutters to himself, turning his back to Hongjoong.

Jiwon's POV

They've been trying their best to make me feel comfortable here. I now learned all of their names but it was a darn rollercoaster till that point. I believe that they're good people, I'm just an awkward person to begin with.

"So Jiwon, any cute boys you got your eyes on?" We sat at the kitchen counter. Nayeon, the one who asked, put her elbow onto the counter, laying her head onto her palm.

"I uhm- I just broke off things with m-"

"God Nayeon leave the damn girl. You already know who she belongs to, she can't have anyone else on her mind." Jihyo rolled her eyes at Nayeon's question.

"She doesn't even know him! How could she ignore feelings towards others for him if she hasn't even seen him once!" Nayeon protested, the others around us agreeing with her.

"Who exactly are you talking about? I don't think that I belong to anyone?" I gave them a confused look. Who do they think I am? A doll? No guy can ever claim me!

"It's Boss! He has a big fat crush on you and doesn't want any other guy to go near you, so he can have you all for himself~" Momo gave me a smug grin, to what Minho, who sat on the couch near us, rolled his eyes.

"That guy doesn't have enough balls in his pants to get the girl himself, yet he already claims her? Dickmove." Minho scoffed.

"At least he will get a girl! Try to get a girl yourself, I bet you are just sexually frustrated boo!" Momo fired back, arching her finely shaped eyebrows.

Minho scoffed once again, stood up and made his way to us.

He slammed his hands into the counter, while he got awkwardly close to Momo, staring into her eyes.

"The girl I wanted has been taken. Taken by Jihyo's damn brother. Claimed by the one and only Mr.Park." He almost whispered, his tone was deep and extremely hot, I didn't even know he could speak like that. Jesus where is my holy water.

As I was fantasizing about his voice, they all suddenly looked at me, scratch that, they stared at me looking like their eyes were falling out.

"What?" I asked them. I didn't quite hear what Minho had told them since I was mesmerized by his hot voice.


Who saw it coming? It was pretty obvious, right?
How do you feel about seonghwa's possessiveness?

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