Chapter 08

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Jiwon's POV

The drive took some while, we seemed to be on the quieter side of the town. There were barely houses, just hills and trees.

Minho finally stopped the car in front of a giant mansion. It was bigger than the one I stayed in earlier today and seemed to luxurious. What's it like being rich?

"Come on, lets go inside." Minho caught me staring at the mansion.

Now inside of the mansion, there were a couple of guys sitting on couches, stools at the kitchen or just jumping around in the house. They seemed old yet so young and childish? Who are they?

"Where's Sir Leader?" Minho asked, sassily saying Sir.

"He's our with Boss." A guy with a sharp chin told him, glancing at me. He took to glancing, now looking at me with shock written on his face.

"You got her?!" He now opened his mouth a little, the other guys now turned their attention to us as well.

"Well, duh, she's my friend." Minho rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go, I'll show you your room tat you'll be staying in for a while." He softly pulled me with him but I stopped.

"Hold up. Minho what the hell? Where did you take me and who are these guys?" Honestly such a great day. I keep on getting kidnapped, maybe someone will take me in the middle of the night, who knows?

"You're safe here, trust me- No, trust us." He said, looking over to the guys that are still looking at us.

I was still acting cautious. I didn't know these guys, but Minho is a trusted friend? I should believe him, right?

In response, I just nodded and he continued to lead me to my room. The mansion was modern. A lot of black and white, yet no color.

"Wait, Minho? Why do you guys live in such big mansion? I thought you just worked part time in that one 7/11 that we always go to? How could you guys afford this mansion?" Truly confused, I asked him.

Suddenly, a cute guy with blonde hair and freckles showed up from behind us.

"Part time at 7/11? Jesus I haven't laughed that good for a while mate!" He laughed hysterically, slapping his thighs and our backs.

"We're mafia, gangsters, swaggers you know? We're doing that cool stuff no one knows about!" He proudly told me, having a triumphant smirk on his face.

Minho's face went blank, expression wise and color wise. His eyes darted between mine and the guys.

I slid my hand off of Minho's. You've got to be kidding me, right? Today isn't even April 1st so why do people want to pull of funny jokes about mafia today?

I let out a desperate laugh. My eyes were holding tears back. My closest friend, my good friend and my damn ex boyfriend were all hiding such huge things from me? And they all decided that today would be the day I had to find out everything?

Before they could do anything, I looked for the closest way out and ran. Similar to the one at the NCT mansion, there was a bench under a tree which a sat on.

No emotion in the world could describe the type of betrayal, emptiness I felt I that moment. They were my only family yet they decided going after my back hiding almost their entire life from me?

As I was trying to steady my breath again, I felt someone sit down beside me.

"I know how that feels. That emotion that you can't describe right now." A deep and soothing voice spoke up. It was the sharp chin guy. His voice was quiet but somehow comforting.

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