Chapter Twenty-Three

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I look into the mirror and someone new looks back at me. I've been on a roller coaster, and I am ever changing. I'm not the little boy who use to be so full of innocence, nor am I the same guy from a few days ago. Today I will stand in front of a man who has my entire future in his hands. By taking the deal that Boss laid out for me, I'm not facing my true punishment. This sort of bothers me. I feel as though, by trying to run away from what I deserve, that I'm just making the outcome of my life worse. I mean, I've been running from it all since the beginning. Look at me now: I'm in jail, receiving favors from criminals, and the ones that I love are hurt.

I splash warm water over my face, yet all the foul impurities and sins are still there. I button up the shirt that Mario bought me; yet the fabric has not changed my criminal status. Right now, society sees me as a monster. I stare at the TV near my cell and fell sorry for myself. I always thought I was just a misunderstood teenager, but I'm starting to side with those on the outside.

“Are you ready?” I look over and see that it's Mario. He unlocks the gate. I walk over to him and he cuffs my hands.

“Ready as I'll ever be. What do you think will happen?” I ask. He looks me in the eye.

“Don't worry, Boss has your back.” he says in a low voice.

He escorts me through the security gates and out the building. My eyes burn with the intense amount of sunlight. He eases me into the back seat of the cop car and pulls off.

“What will you do with your life if they let you off?” he asks, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

“I don't know. I didn't actually think about that. The first thing I'd do is have a funeral for my mom. After that I guess I'd try to move away on my own and get a job; not sure about school but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Going back home is out of the question. People surely wouldn't accept me.” Mario nods.

“That's a nice plan. I hope to see you do that.” he smiles at me.

The ride to the courthouse is silent. When we get there Mario brings me up a myriad of stairs. Inside it's just a very long, bright hallway with huge doors. Mario checks me in at the desk.

“It'll be a few minutes until the judge sees you. There are two others in front of you.” he says. “Your lawyer is already in there waiting.”

“Okay.” I say, sitting down on the bench outside of the courtroom. “Can I call Leslie? I want to make sure she's coming.”

“Well, you're not suppose to but we can step into the bathroom and you use my phone.” I nod. Mario gets up and shows me to the bathroom. He checks the stalls to make sure no one is in there and he hands me his phone. I dial Leslie's number.

“Hello?” she answers.

“Hey Leslie. It's Chase. Are you still coming?” she takes a deep breath.

“Yes, of course. I'm outside. I'm a bit nervous, Chase. I don't want to see you go to jail.”

“I'm not going to go to jail, Leslie. I promise.” I can hear her sniffle a bit.

“How do you know?”

“I just do.”

“Okay then. Can I see you?”

“Yes. I'll be right outside of the courtroom.”

“Okay, see you in a minute.” she hangs up the phone. I hand Mario his cell phone back and we walk back to the bench outside the courtroom. Seconds later I see Leslie walking through the entrance. Despite what she's gone through because of me, she's still beautiful as ever. Her skin is glowing and her smile is that of an angel. I can't believe I messed that all up. As she gets nearer I hop up to hug her. As we reach in for a hug, Mario stretches his arm in front of me and forces me back down on the bench.

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