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"I need you to help me find... someone". You tell Harvey.
"Who?" He asks.
"Um... Harleen Quinzel", you answer.
"Harley Quinn? She hasn't been round here in years... ever since the batman had killed her..." he replies.
"She's still alive.... I know it. She's here. I saw CCTV footage of her and... the joker". You say, looking at the ground sadly. Harvey glances at you in apology.
"She looks different though. About 3 stone heavier and black hair..." you tell him.

"Wait... that's Harley Quinn?" He says in sudden realisation. You nod at him. His eyes go wide like he'd seen a ghost.
"I've seen her a few times... Dr Regina. Her accent is different. I feel stupid. I should've seen it."
"Can we find her?" You ask him.
"Yeah lets go... I have some business I need to sort with her also... ever since she stole my £1,000,000 off me", he growls. "SLIT THAT BITCHES THROAT", Twoface then growls.

You smile at him and begin to walk down the halls in search for her office.

"Can I ask... why do you care so much about killing her?" Harvey asks politely.
"She kissed the joker..." you reply.
"Surely you should blame him, maybe she didn't kno-"
"That's what I'm doing. She's the only way I can hurt him. He doesn't care about himself." You tell him.
He looks at you wide eyed. He now knew that you were serious about this.

"I think it's down here", Harvey grunts and you follow him down a slightly narrower hall, until you came to a door that says "dr Regina", in large bold letters.
You try and open the door, but it's locked.
"Mind out the way." Harvey growls and kicks the door in. You both step in and look around. Straight away, you notice a picture of the joker on her desk. It looked like some kind of mugshot. You pick it up, and a tear falls from your eye onto the paper. Just seeing him hurt you immensely.

Harvey softly takes the photograph from your hands and tears it's up, letting it fall to the floor.
"Forget about him." He tells you, gently.
"I'm trying", you reply.
Her office was pretty much empty. There was barely anything in there. All the draws were empty and the desk was clear. That's when you hear footsteps coming towards the door.
"Shit", Harvey spits.
"Shit", you agree.

You both get under the desk. It was cramped and pretty much in plain view but I was better than just standing there. The footsteps got louder.
"I don't know man... she was found there, covered in dirt and blood."
"And what happened to the clown?"
"Escaped... again. We all knew it was gonna happen but not this fast."
"He killed a doctor for no reason? Damn he's ruthless".
"That's why he's here... at an asylum".

The door swung open and the two men wander in. One was holding a large box. It looked like they were removing Harleys stuff from her office. They must have been talking about her. Immediately Harvey jumps out from underneath the desk and slams their heads together. There was a solid crack and both men fall to the floor. He then takes the guns from each of their holsters and hand one to you.
"Thanks", you say, taking it. You struggled to hold it, you didn't really know how. Last time you had a gun you killed Victor Zsasz.

"We're they talking about Harley?" Harvey asks you.
"I guess... so he really did kill her?"

This shocked you. He wasn't lying, you didn't even consider that as an option. But still... he kissed her. He cheated on you and that was unforgivable. How could you punish him now? The only weakness you could think of was already destroyed. How could you hurt him now?

He only had one weakness left... and it was you. The only way to get to him was to hurt yourself. The only aim you had was to make him feel the pain that you felt. Nothing else mattered. He needed to learn.

So you were going to do it. You were going to hurt yourself... and make a show of it too. He better run to your rescue, you were counting on it.

Heath Ledgers Joker X Reader / Clown Princess Where stories live. Discover now