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(Y/n's PoV)

Beep... beep... beep....

You open your eyes slowly. At first, all you see is white. When you're eyes readjust, you realise that you're in a hospital room. All the memories from the night before came flooding back to you. The last thing you remembered was hitting the water.

So how did you get here?

You turn your head to see a doctor sat beside you.
"Good morning Miss Wayne." She smiles.
"Good- um- morning", you reply, stretching. You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your side. You screech in pain and clutch your ribs. You notice that you're bandaged around your stomach to lower chest.
"Your ribs got broken... not by your fall... but by the CPR that was performed on you when you were saved." She tells you.

You look over and see her name badge.
"Dr young... who saved me?" You ask her.
"The Joker, your boyfriend I presume?" He smiles.

The joker saved you? How did he get to you in time?

"He jumped after you, before you ask. He tried to kill himself too, but then realised that he could save you. He dragged you out the water and performed CPR, to which he over did it and broke 3 of your ribs. He then continued to drag you up the large hill, stole a car then took you here. He's asleep in the reception. He didn't want to leave incase something happened to you."

You couldn't believe this. He risked his life for you. He told you that he loved you. Maybe he was telling the truth. He'd certainly proved himself. You couldn't stop smiling. Your whole body felt a warm glow. You loved him. You just needed to tell him.

"Can he come in here?" You ask Dr Young.
"Only if you're ready. Maybe you should eat first. Last night probably left you hungry."

She brung you some breakfast and you ate it as fast as you could. You couldn't wait a second longer to see him.

"Okay, okay", she giggled at you " I'll go and get him".
She left the room.

You were shaking with anticipation. You wanted to kiss him so hard. He was so heroic.

He walked into the room, a huge smile on his face. Immediately, you burst out laughing at his outfit. For some reason, he was wearing a sexy nurses dress outfit. He looked great, no doubt.

"Good morning", he says to you, grinning like a shark.
"Good morning, handsome", you replied, also a huge grin.
He sighed, jokingly. "Cranes already made that joke".
You laughed out load.

He pulled up a chair and sat next to you.
"I'm sorry", he said, touching your cheek with the palm of his hand.
"For what?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Driving you to literal suicide..." his eyes looked pained as he said it, "and breaking your ribs".
"You saved me," you replied. You wanted to make him feel better. You hated yourself for what you did to him. You should've trusted him. He was telling the truth the whole time, killing Harley and everything.

He just smiled and looked away. It was almost like he was embarrassed about being a hero. He was a criminal, and that's who he wanted to be. You didn't want to take that away from him so you just dropped it.

"I love you", you tell him.

His head turns like lightning, looking back at you. His green eyes felt like heaven on yours.
"You already told me", he giggled.
"What? When?" You hadn't spoken to him before this.
"After I gave you CPR, you woke up for a brief moment, and said I love you", he smirked.
"Oh- I didn't know", you reply.
"No worries, you can tell me you love me as much as you like... no complaints here." He smiles.

You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. This is the man you love. You didn't need anyone else but him. You didn't need Bruce. The joker saved you, batman just stood there and watched. You would be dead if joker wasn't there.

You owe him your life...

Heath Ledgers Joker X Reader / Clown Princess Where stories live. Discover now