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"A fund raiser? For Harvey Dent? Does the man need any more money?" You asked Bruce, your brother, who was sat shirtless on one of his many balconies, reading a newspaper.
He ignored you. You briskly walked up to him, ripping the newspaper out of his firm hands. He removed him sunglasses slowly and looked at you, furrowing his brow.
"You are so selfish y/n, you know that?", he says, looking you in the eye.
You put your hands on your hips and sigh.
"Why don't you spend your money on something that's going to help Gotham? Maybe try and make the streets safer as you seem so not be doing a great job of it yourself".

You were angry at Bruce. It was almost like he'd forgotten his duties of being the Batman, the one and only 'hero' who protected the streets of Gotham. Instead he just lay about, whining and drinking. He was in a bad place, as Harvey Dent, was dating the love of his life, Rachel Dawes.

You'd met her a few times, she was always nice you you but you could tell she disapproved of you living with Bruce, 'feeding off his money' as the press called it. Bruce was always quick to defend you, but you could tell he'd rather not have you living with him.

You walked back inside, slamming the door behind you. Alfred was walking with a tray with a large cocktail with a tiny umbrella in.
"You're a great servant Alfred", you tell him, making him smile as you walk past. You felt as if Bruce overused Alfred, treated him as a slave instead of a human. Even though he did get a huge pay cheque, so he probably doesn't mind.

You'd only found out about the fund raiser from a leaflet you'd found on the sidewalk, even though it was happening in the room under where you slept.
It was happening tonight.
"I have to get a nice dress... and shoes." You thought to yourself. You wanted to meet Harvey Dent and make a good impression. You'd watched some of his interviews on the news and he seemed like a nice man.

You went online and ordered a red, knee length dress and black high heeled shoes to go with it. You ordered it and less than an hour later it had been delivered. The shop that you brought it from was on the streets below yours and Bruce's penthouse. You sometimes went there and worked, when you were bored. Your life was very boring sometimes.

You weren't Bruce's blood sister, your parents had adopted you when Bruce was about 7, and you are 5 years younger than him. Your parents had died when you were 16 and Bruce was 21. Almost 8 years had passed and you still felt like a burden to Bruce.

A few hours passed, and the fund raiser had started. You walked into the hall, a few people turned to look at you, then turned back.

You wore the necklace your mother had given you before she'd passed. It was a small heart locket. You treasured it and wore it pretty much all the time.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw Harvey Dent, you turned to look at him. He was being accompanied by Rachel Dawes. You pushed your way over there, picking up a glass of champagne on the way.  You stepped in front of him. He looked you in the eye and smiled.
"Hi, Mr Dent. My name is -"
"Y/n Wayne", he said, smiling from ear to ear and holding his hand out to shake.
Rachel gave you a small smile then looked away.
You shook Harvey's hand.
"It's an honour to meet you y/n, I've heard a lot about you", he said, releasing your hand slowly.
"You too", you said smiling, "I've followed a lot of your cases, Mr Dent. And may I say... you've done one hell of a good job", you smile at him.
"Please, call me Harvey. And not as good of a job as others have done. For example, the Batman" he said. You'd heard that he had an obsession for Batman.

"No way mr- I mean Harvey. The Batman is just some vigilante, what Gotham needs is a hero with a face." You say. You could see that he was secretly appreciative of your compliment.
He was about to reply when a hand in applied to your shoulder.
"Please excuse my sister. Y/n, go and talk to someone else for a while" Bruce says, knowing that it was going to irritate you. He knew that him treating you like a child embarrassed you, and that you hated him for that.

You turned around hastily and swallowed the last of your champagne. You hear Bruce's phone go off, and suddenly him and Harvey run out of the room. You begin to walk after them, when you hear the elevator open.

You look, curious of who could be arriving at this party an hour late. You watch as a man fell out of the lift, and a bunch of clown masked men walk out, into the room.

They were all wearing suits, like they'd just come from work, except man was wearing a totally different outfit from the rest. A purple suit? Questionable.

The purple suited man then took off his mask, revealing his face. You recognised him immediately. His painted white face with black circles around the eyes and a red smile painted on his lips could not be mistaken for anyone else. The Joker...

Heath Ledgers Joker X Reader / Clown Princess Where stories live. Discover now