Day one

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My name is Aimee, this world latley has become so uncertain, i wish i could lock myself away from the rest of the world for the next three weeks but like so many more people out
there im a key worker. i live in the UK and yesterday it was announced that we are basically on lockdown.
so i decided that over the next three weeks im going to try and write everyday what it is like working in a residential home during this certain time. Also im going to see how
much i can change over the next three weeks. Im going to get myself healthier and eat better and exercice more. so we should start off at the start, today, Day 1.
I'd like to say that this is not a story, this is my real life, like everyone's some days are going to be boring and anything can happen.

Day 1
i had gotten so bored about the possibliltiy of having to stay at home doing nothing at all on my days off work so i decided that im going to use the exercise equipment that my parents bought that no one ever uses. But first i decided to take my dog fudge for a walk around the block taking advantage of the one walk a day we are allowed for exercise.
But of course like the rest of the world ill be binging netflix like non stop.

When i went outside to walk my dog the sky looked different, visually it looked the same but in some way it did was nothing like I'd seen before. It was like the sky knew that everything had changed.
Half way through the short walk with my dog i realised that exercise is really not for me, but i know i need change, i need to get out of this pattern of constant bed lying and junk food eating and netflix watching, and really now is a better time than any, there's no excuses, no plans holding me back.
When i got back from the short walk with my dog i ran on the treadmill for a bit then went on the exercise bike for as long as i could until breathing started to hurt, so around five minutes.
Its my day off today and normally on my days off i just lay in bed and do nothing, so so far my lockdownish day one has gone really well.
Cant wait to go back to work tomorrow, back into the real world. back to reality, maybe when i write up day two tomorrow ill have a bit more interesting information but for today i think ill leave it here, see you guys tomorrow and remember
stay safe
stay inside.

A. x

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