Day Ten

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Wow, double digits. Go me for being so punctual with this. To be honest I thought I would've given up by day three.
But no I stayed in there.
So today.
Today was just a day of getting things together ready for me to go back to work on Saturday, (today is Thursday).
I made sure to buy some more work trousers as after every shift now I'm going to have to clean my uniform and everything else.
So I make sure I've got more than one set of uniform.
This stuff just sounds so boring.
No wonder no one is reading this 😂

I actually can't wait to go back to work. It's tome.
I've spent so long cooped up at home, safe. Although it's been nice it has been hard.
But I know that when I go back to work I'll feel like I'm contributing, like I'm fighting against this evil that we all know.

Now I think back I really don't know where the day has gone.
Today has felt like it has swept by like a dream.

I've finally tidied my room a bit, I did it while listening to my favourite band busted as I knew it would keep my brain drawn to the task if I had music on.
I've got adhd and trying to get the willingness to do pretty much anything that doesn't interest me is pretty hard.  It's probably why I'm behind in my qcf work or why my room has been messy for that last 3 months.
I just want to say a few last things then I'll be back tomorrow.
If you know that your friend has something like Adhd or something different, search up on it. Try and realise how hard it is for them to do simple tasks. Try to walk a mile in their shoes, show to them that you understand what they're going through, and if you don't understand ask them.
Ok like always
Stay safe
Stay inside.

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