Day two

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last night after I posted day one I started to feel unwell, the back of my throat felt like I had swallowed razor blades so I decided to take my temperature and it came back as 38.2 degrees. I knew instantly what it meant, it meant that when I told my work about it, (which I had to as I didn't know why I was ill and it could be anything) it meant I would have to stay in isolation for two weeks. The realisation that I wouldn't be able to leave my house to two weeks dawned on me. I am the type of person who cant stay still for two minutes, I always have to be on the go and doing things, so staying inside for two weeks just felt like the end of the world to me. But it means that I'm keeping myself safe and most importantly the elderly people safe where I work.

But it wasn't like I don't have nothing to do, at the moment I'm doing my QCF (which basically means loads of learning and course work) and at the moment I am behind, so this isolation means that I would finally have time to do that, no more excuses.

also like I said on day one I want to get fit and eat healthier, also not watch as much Netflix and eat loads of junk food, but the prospect of not working for two weeks really hit me back and today I accidently fell back into my old routine of Netflix, bed, junk food and no exercise, but like I've said so many times, theres no excuses, theres no where else to go.

I did finally get to video chat with my nieces today, they were giggling and smiling and the oldest (which is 4) kept telling me how her younger sister (who is 3) has the coronavirus. For children they don't understand it much so they joke their way through it, but that's just like so many people out there. They don't get how dangerous this virus is, they don't get how many lives have been lost because of it and they don't get how the whole world has been affected by this virus.

I wish I was in that bubble of not knowing, as the truth hurts.

So that's my day two update of my lockdown and the first day of my two weeks of isolation away from work. ill try to make time to write down at the end of the day. Well who am I kidding, of course I'll have time, I'll have nothing else but time on my hands for two weeks.


Stay safe

Stay inside A. x

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