Day three

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The days are starting to blend together and it just feels like this lockdown will not stop. I cant wait for the whole world to get back to normal, a world that I wont take for granted again.

I woke up around 10oclock, which is a bit later than I normally sleep in, its weird not being on a sleeping pattern of waking up at 5:30am and going to bed around 10, when I go back to work I know the first few days are going to be so tiring as im so used to this pattern now.

I actually did something off my list of to do today, I completed some ambassador work for on here on Wattpad, as some of you may know a few months ago I started my ambassador training and I chose to be on the outreach team which basically monitors new writers and we try and give them all the help they need so the new writers feel safe and continue to write and expand their stories on here. I'm still getting used to everything that's going on with that but I know slowly but surely I'll get there, I hope.

OK the health side of my daily updates, so today I decided that each day I'm going to try and complete 50 sit ups a day, for some that might seem like nothing but just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. As I get more confident with it I'll up the numbers, I remember around two years ago I could do 50 sit ups in one go, oh to be that fit and healthy again.

Also some of you may be proud to know that I didn't lay in bed and watch Netflix all day, yes, I laid in bed and watched Disney + but yea we'll work on that addiction on anther day, its not like I'll have anything else to do.

So today is the 26th of march, and it had been all over the internet that tonight at 8oclock there was going to be a cheer on for all key workers (essential workers working through this virus, workers like NHS people, Carers, drivers/ transporters, shop workers ect) and I really didn't expect many people from my street to do it, I don't know why, but at 8oclock tonight my whole street was filled with cheers and clapping, it made me feel so proud, although I do wish I was still able to work and not be in Isolation, I just wished that I was out there making a difference.

I'm doing ok, I took my temperature again this morning but it had gone down to 38.1, but unfortunately its still a temperature so I have to stay away from work. My throat still hurts a bit and it feels like this headache wont go away but like I said before I'm hopeful.

We can all see the world around us changing, and maybe everyone can learn from this, learn that these key workers that are working so hard are essential and don't need your crap, they've got enough on their plate already. Learn that there are vulnerable people down the street so help your neighbours.

I really believe that this world can change.

like always, see you tomorrow

stay safe

stay inside


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