Chapter seventeen and eighteen

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I've decided I'm going to start doing two days at a time. I'll be doing this for a few reasons, 1,I want to make the chapters longer,
2, because I don't want to spend every night writing, and 3, the reason I'll tell you In a bit.
So yesterday we found out that one of the residents that had to go to hospital might have this Covid-19, and unfortunately today it was confirmed. This means more illness and more work with means I'll be working more often and that I won't have time to write up a chapter each day.

So some nice news.
Today I was told that our management bought us all Easter eggs, also Morrison's (yanno the shop) also donated Easter eggs so today I walked out of work with two Easter eggs, it's nice to get a gift to say, thank you for your work.
Although it's something small like an Easter egg it means a lot to me and I know other staff.

Okay back to the not so nice stuff.
So yes, I was there in the office when we got the call that one of our residents have got the virus. I knew instantly that as I could see my coworkers facial expression change.
I knew that so much around where i work will have to change now, PPE will have to be upgraded (personal protective equipment).
I knew rules were going to be a lot more harsher, and that I'm going to have to work more.
At this point I ain't thinking about the money. I'm thinking about helping my community, so I can say one day to my grandkids, I worked through Covid- 19 I tried my best.
Going through this tough time will change us all, it's inevitable, but I'm hoping we will change for the good.

I've got the weekend off now, which means I've got Easter off, I'll be spending Easter with my mum, dad and sister, the people who mean the most to me.
Then back on Monday I've got a 12 hour shift, that I bet I'll regret picking up.
But for now I'm going to spend this weekend relaxing with hopefully Covid-19 at the back of my mind.

Stay safe
Please stay at home
A. X

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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