Day five

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Today was a hard one, I really thought it would get easier. But no.
Other things in life caught up to me, things that I wish could change.
But things that I can't change. Because they make me me.
That's the thing about isolation, after you've done everything you're supposed to all of it goes away and all your left alone with is your thoughts.
Unfortunately that's the one thing you can run away from.
So yes, day 5 of isolation has basically consisted of me in bed all day watching Netflix and stupid silly stuff playing on my brain.
All I could think about is that I just wish I was someone else.
I keep trying to remind myself that if I was someone else who would be me? But that old trick doesn't work as well as it used to.
I forgot all about my daily sit ups so no health part today.
But like I said at the start, life will get in the way and days won't go to plan.
I did plan somethings today.
I planned to sit in the garden, to read a book and get a nice tan.
Instead I wasted the day inside.
I just wish tomorrow will be better.
Stay safe
Stay inside
A. X

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