Part 8

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CJ had just about had enough of this fucking elitist bitch, who the hell does she think she is getting between her and Kozik acting like she knows everything. She did not have a damn clue that Kozik had that shit coming. Best friend my fucking ass she thought to herself.

She wasn't the least bit surprised when the blond know it all launched at her after she had slapped Kozik but here she was with her brother towing her across the crowded room. CJ let out a smirk when she saw the blond bitch was being towed by a very attractive blond man who was quite clearly related to her. 


Once they reached the ring Happy looked over at Tasha, pissed that he was being forced into something like this already. He knew his best friend and he knew his sister. He was really hoping they didn't kill each other but he knew it was going to hurt them both either way.

He caught Tasha's eye as he was taping CJ's hands, he knew both women were pissed but when Tasha turned her head from him it hurt, more than he expected it to. CJ scoffed when she saw what had happened "Seriously Hap?" she asked pissed that the infamous Tacoma killer was going soft over a bitch. True to form Happy didn't say a word and simply continued glaring at his sister. 


CJ was ready, she knew this was going to be messy but there was not any way in hell she was going to let this bitch get one over on her. She paced her corner, bouncing on her toes and she stared at the blond, contemplating her first move. Without warning the blond snapped her fist, cracking CJ above her left eye. Feeling the blood start to trickle CJ saw red and growled, launching herself at the bitch who had the nerve to draw fucking blood.

Fists were flying left and right, both women getting hits in, both women having blood trickle from numerous wounds inflicted on each other. CJ could hear the men surrounding the ring cheering Tasha on and that only served to spur her on further. Deciding enough was enough CJ moved in for her signature move, getting her arms under the blonds and clasping them behind her neck. Satisfied she now had her sleeper hold in she took a moment to actually talk to the bitch. "I don't want to hurt you any more than I have so here is what I want you to do." CJ growled in her ear and waited for some kind of response. When the blond growled back CJ laughed. "I know you got feelings for my brother but you too chicken shit to tell him." she said slightly releasing the hold so her captive didn't actually pass out. With another growl CJ continued "I'll call this even if you make me a promise here and now that you will get over your damn self and fucking tell him." she felt the tiniest of movement and knowing she had an agreement she fully released the hold and stepped away.

CJ had taken 2 steps when she heard "Hey bitch" and when she turned back was met with a punch to her jaw so hard she was seeing stars. She took a moment to recover and met the glare the blond was throwing her way. Once their eyes met they both started laughing and moved over to hug each other, both secretly glad the other was strong as shit.

They assisted each other to get out of the ring and immediately Happy and the blond man stood in their way. "What the fuck was that?" Happy demanded of his sister. "Bonding." is all she said before she turned to the blond. "Sorry about all that, I'm CJ." she said with the best smile she could manage. "Jax" he responded. "Seeing as I feel like ignoring my shithead of a brother could you point me to where I can get patched up?" she asked him. With a chuckle Jax said "Follow me darlin'" and led her over to a man with salt and pepper hair and wicked scars on his face. "This is Chibs, he's our go to for shit like this." Jax explained. CJ sighed before looking at the man. "I'm sorry but I kinda have issues with men patching me up." she said "Dinnae apologise lass, ye dinnae know me." he said. CJ gave him a small smile before an older man with long curly hair approached her with a woman with similar hair by his side. "Jax maybe Mari can help?" he said. CJ gave a small nod as Jax said "Thanks Bobby" and the two women walked away where the older of the 2 guided her to a dorm room in the back.

CJ watched as the lady introduced as Mari pulled out an impressive first aid kit and snapped on a pair of gloves before carefully cleaning the blood from her face. "Well CJ is it?" she asked and when CJ nodded she continued "I hope that fight was worth it, you have multiple lacerations, some that will require butterfly stitches and a cracked cheekbone which is likely to give you considerable pain. I can do you a prescription but personally I think you would get on much better with medication of the green variety." she told her. CJ laughed at that deciding there and then she liked this lady. They remained silent while she continued patching her wounds and CJ thanked her once done.

She made her way back out to the bar and spotted Happy talking to the blond who she now knew was called Tasha. Walking up to them she waited for Happy to look at her "Got you a couple of "toys" in the Nova." she told him handing him the keys. Tasha looked at her confused so CJ decided to enlighten her "I provide him with his bag of tricks, I am what you may call a weapons specialist." she said smirking. "Holy shit, some of those "toys" are amazing" Tasha said. The two women were chatting about how CJ finds the pieces Happy needs when he returned placing a kiss on the top of her head. "So I'm guessing you need to add to your collection?" he asked. CJ smirked knowing full well what she was about to do would piss her brother off. "Well yeah but you can't be the only tattooist here. If I got to be here I could at least attempt to get to know everyone." Happy looked at her like she had grown a second head when Tasha laughed. "See the tiny blond talking to Jax?" she asked. When CJ nodded Tasha said "That's Chris, she can help."

With that CJ left her brother and Tasha talking as she went to introduce herself to someone new.

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