Part 49

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The sun peeked in through the window as Tasha woke with a groan. She was cursing Kozik and his incessant pounding on the door. It had been a couple of days since they had been in Seattle and they were heading back to Charming that morning. “God you’re worse than a child.” she groaned as she opened the door seeing a smiling Kozik. 
She dropped down onto the Sofa that was waiting to be loaded into the moving van when it arrived and covered her face with her arm. 
“How’s the hangover?” he asked as he picked up her legs and dropped down onto the couch. 
“Awful,” she whined as she got comfortable again. She removed her arm from her face when she heard the light chuckle of Mari coming onto the room. “How are you all light and airy?” 
Mari gave her a shrug, “I drank a ton of water and ate something before I went to bed.” she said matter of factly. 
“Looked like you two were having fun last night.” he said as he smiled wide. 
Tasha’s head snapped to where Kozik sat and glared. “How do you know what we were doing?” she asked, as she narrowed her eyes at him. 
Kozik shrugged and gave her a wink. “Front window has no curtains. Looks like ya got the hang of downward dog down. Hap’s gonna love that one.” 
Tasha kicked him and got up from the couch. “Asshole.” 
Mari laughed and shook her head. “Movers will be here in a half hour then we roll out.” 
Kozik gave her a solute and left them for coffee. 
Tasha pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes as they cruised down the freeway. Turning up the radio as the 80’s rock played she smiled. This was a much needed trip away from Charming to recharge. Mari noticed the content smile on Tasha’s face and turned down the radio. “What’s with the smile?”
Tasha shrugged and looked at her friend. “I needed this.” she admitted. 
Mari knew exactly what she meant. “Told ya the yoga would help."
Tasha chuckled and agreed. "Yea well Kozik wasn't wrong. Hap is gonna be thrilled at the new moves." 
Mari laughed and put her foot down on the gas a little more. "So can I ask you something?" 
Tasha nodded but stayed quiet waiting for her friend to continue. "Why is being involved in the club so important to you? I know you have your bar now and you seem happy, but a little bit of that sass and sparkle you had is gone." 
Tasha thought about what Mari had just asked and gave her a soft nostalgic smile. "My dad started that club with Ope and Echo's dad, Piney. As kids we watched how bad ass our pops' were and how the club had a sense of family. Ever since I was a kid, that's all I ever wanted to do. Be a part of SOA. I knew it wasn't possible it being SONS and not daughters, but deep down I hoped they would let me be a part of it. In some way they had. So when Ope opened his tap, it cut me to the core. Cause in my mind where I belonged and my place, was right there at that table with my family's legacy."
Mari gave her knee a pat. "Maybe you need to sit down and talk with Opie. It's been over a month, Tasha. I think it's time that you let out that anger."
Tasha knew Mari was right. She needed to talk it out with Ope. He'd been like a brother to her and it was killing her not talking to him. She nodded in agreement and looked out the window. As she did, she noticed a black SUV a few cars behind them that she could have sworn she saw in the parking lot of the Diner they had stopped at. She hooked it off at just being random and looked forward to the drive home. There were some things she was going to need to settle when she got back. 
Tig paced the length of the clubhouse for a third time and felt Happy's hand grab his leather and pull him onto the stool beside him.
He looked to his left and saw the murderous look on Happy's face and sighed. "Sorry, man. They said they would be back by now. Where the hell are they?" 
Happy shrugged and took a drink of his beer. "They were stopping for food when I last talked to Tasha. They were an hour out."
"Well when the hell was that?" Tig whined. 
Happy looked at his phone and smirked. "About an hour ago."
Tig scoffed as he grabbed his phone and dialed Mari. "Fuck sakes." 
After three long rings, he heard Mari's voice come over the line. "Manny, where is daddy's little girl?" He sang into the phone. 
Instead of hearing Mari's soft airy laugh, he heard a sound of gagging. "Tiggy that is so fucking wrong!" He heard Tasha's voice cringe. 
He let out a chuckle, "serves you right. You ladies were supposed to be here by now." He whined. 
Mari sighed softly and smiled. "Patience, Blue. We'll be heading into town in about twenty minutes." 
Tig heard the soft curse of Tasha and perked up. "Baby, what's going on?" 
Tasha snorted at Tig's protective tone. "We're fine Tiggy. Just a flat." 
"Where are you? Hap and I can come get ya."
Tasha rolled her eyes. "Tig, you taught me how to change a tire. It'll take a few minutes then we're 20 min home." She argued. "Give Hap a kiss for me." 
Before he could reply she had ended the call. "That little shit." 
Tashy had gotten out of the car and was currently cursing whoever had tightened the lug nuts on the tire. Mari stepped around the car and snorted. "Thought you knew what you were doing." She teased. 
Tasha scoffed and grunted as she tried to loosen the lug nut. "I do. Whoever put your tires on tightened then too much." 
"Wait, that's a thing?"
Tasha chuckled and nodded as she saw the same black SUV from earlier in the day slow and stop at the roadside. The gentleman stepped out of the vehicle and looked at the girls. Out of pure instincts, Tasha's hand went to the gun in the back of her Jean's. 
"Looks like you're in a wee bit of trouble. You need help?" He asked. His accent was thick as he spoke. 
Tasha saw the kindness on his face and her guard went down slightly. She nodded to the tire. "Lug nuts are too tight. Couldn't get the last two loose." She explained. 
The man gave her a warm smile and took the tire iron from the ground and loosened the tire for her. Before Tasha knew it, he had the donut on it and the lug nuts back on. He turned red to Tasha and Mari with a wink and went to walk away. "Get home safe, yeah?" 
They nodded and thanked the stranger as he got back into his SUV and drove off. 
The girls watched as he left and turned to one another. In the best irish accent she could muster, Mari pointed to the car, "best we get our arses back to Charming." 
Tasha laughed and agreed. "Aye, Tiggy may just have a coronary." 
"Hey, you're pretty good at that." Mari laughed as they loaded their things back into the car and headed off towards home. 
They were late and they knew it. As they pulled onto the lot they could see Tig pacing. Tasha snorted until she saw the aggravated look on Happy's face. "How much do you wanna bet that your man annoyed the shit outta my man and now we have two cranky sons to deal with?" 
Mari saw the scene and snorted herself. "Just show him your new moves. He'll forgive ya."
They parked and got out of the car and stretched. Both receiving glares from their other halves. Tasha rolled her eyes as she pulled Happy up from the picnic table and kissed his lips. "I missed you." She smiled  up at him.
He pulled her closer and kissed the crook of her neck. "Don't ever leave me alone with him again." He growled.
Tasha laughed as she looked over at a smirking Mari and a ranting Tig. 
"Tiggy ease up. She's here now." Tasha called out over the lot. Tig smiled and pulled Mari to him and planted a sound kiss onto her lips. 
"Someone is gonna have to get Mari a new tire and tell whoever does it not to over tighten  the lug nuts. Thats what took so long for us to get here. Some guy stopped and gave us a hand." Tasha explained. 
"An irish angel." Mari said with dreamy eyes. She looked over at Tiggy with a devilish grin. "You know how to do an irish brogue?" She purred.
Tiggy's smile looked as if It would split his face. He didn't hesitate pulling her behind him and heading
towards the clubhouse. 
Tasha laughed as Mari looked behind her waving at Tasha and Happy. Turning towards Happy she could see that he wasnt thrilled with her explanation of being late. "C'mon, Hap. Take me home and I can show ya some of the Yoga moves I learned." 
He flashed a rare smile as he lifted her up over his shoulder and stomped towards the clubhouse. "Smacking her ass he chuckled st the squeal she let out.

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