Part 62

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The men of SAMCRO left CJ's warehouse in a crescendo of thunderous growls as multiple bikes roared together leaving her with Jax. She turned to face him and he wrapped her in his arms as he placed a soft kiss on her lips, a smirk firmly on his face. "Ready to go darlin'?" he asked.

Her answering smile was all he needed as he turned and set the alarm on the warehouse doors and she switched her cell off before they moved to their respective vehicles hand in hand. Jax waited for CJ to start her car before he pulled in front of her to lead the way to his place.

She pulled into the driveway and parked next to his bike and within seconds Jax was there opening the door and pulling her out, she kicked the door closed and pressed the button on the remote to lock it as he pulled her to the front door.

No sooner had the door closed when his lips met hers, need coursing through their veins heating her skin like lava everywhere he touched. He walked backwards pulling her with him as he began to pull at her clothes. They were naked by the time they reached his bedroom and they collapsed in a tangle of limbs as he began to show her just how much he wanted her.

Several hours later CJ was sound asleep curled into Jax's side when he received a call. He carefully untangled himself from the sleeping redhead as he moved to answer the call. It was done in a matter of minutes and Jax didn't even have time to say anything. He sent a quick message to everyone telling them to be at TM in the morning before returning to bed and slept with his arms wrapped round his old lady.

When CJ woke she realised she was alone and got up grabbing the first thing she came across which just so happened to be Jax's discarded shirt. She padded her way to the kitchen in search of coffee and nicotine and was instead greeted to the sight of Jax cooking, a pair of grey sweatpants hanging loosely from his hips. "Morning babe." she called to him and smiled as he turned to face her. "Now that is a look I could get used to." Jax said when he noticed her attire. CJ felt a flood of heat race towards her lower region that was still deliciously achy from the previous nights antics. "Coffee's done" Jax said with a smirk as he tossed her a packet of smokes.

CJ filled a mug and lit a smoke before taking a seat at the table to watch him as he finished cooking. He came over with 2 plates of bacon with scrambled egg and they sat in a comfortable silence as they ate.

No sooner had they finished Jax cleared his throat and CJ lifted her head to look straight into his bottomless blue eyes "We both got to get to TM." he told her. CJ sighed but knew better than to question why, if she needed to know she would be told, it was as simple as that. "Can we stop by my place for clothes first?" she asked him, hesitant of his answer. "Sure darlin' as much as I like seeing you in my clothes I don't want anyone else to see it." he said as he kissed her nose.

CJ grabbed a quick shower and got dressed in a pair of Jax's sweatpants and a clean t shirt that she knew looked ridiculous on her and she moved to get in her car and drove the short distance to her house with Jax escorting her. She made quick work of getting changed and took a minute to notice Mari wasn't there and assumed she must still be at the hospital.

As soon as CJ was ready she got back in her car and drove to TM. She immediately noticed that Chris and Echo's vehicles were there and quickly spotted the 2 sat at the bar. She shared a quick kiss with Jax before making her way over to the girls to greet them but not before she heard Opie tell Jax that Sienna was missing.

CJ stiffened momentarily before shaking it off and moving quicker to the girls, they both looked up as she approached and she could easily see they had both been crying "Shit, it's true isn't it?" she asked. "If you are talking about Si then yeah." Echo answered with barely concealed anger in her tone. CJ sighed and pulled them both out to the picnic tables so she could smoke and watched as Jax left with Clay without saying a word to her.

"Can I assume the masses don't know yet?" CJ asked as she lit a smoke. "Yep" Chris answered. The three of them sat in near silence, none of them knowing what to say.

It wasn't that much later that Tasha's truck came roaring into the lot escorted by Jax and Clay. She jumped out of her truck and made her way over to where CJ was sat with the girls pulling them each in for a hug. CJ watched her as she looked around before asking where Mari was. CJ explained that they thought she was still at the hospital. They all spoke about everything and how each of the girls were incommunicado at the worst possible time.

Whilst they were talking the guys had gone for Church and one by one they followed Tasha as they decided to interrupt. CJ felt the nerves buzzing at what they had to tell them but she hid it behind the familiar emotionless mask. Once they had said their piece they all left bar Tasha and CJ gave her an apologetic look over her shoulder. Tasha returned it with a minute shake of her head letting CJ know she was well prepared for the inevitable backlash she was about to receive.

The three girls returned to their original seats, all of them showing anxiety. Chris was obsessively running her hands through her hair whilst Echo was biting her nails, CJ was smoking cigarette after cigarette and thinking everything through.

CJ looked up as she heard the chapel doors open and Tasha stomped over to them, a look of annoyance plastered over her face. She knew before Echo and Chris asked and Tasha answered that they were effectively grounded. She could only watch as Echo decided she was going to leave and Tasha grabbed her before CJ could. She then heard Chris say that she should never had said anything and that was all she could take. "What you should have done is say something sooner." Tasha held her hand up to stop the bickering but all CJ could feel was a simmering rage that something like this could have happened in the first place. She missed most of what Tasha said next with her head firmly thinking on how to sort this coming shitstorm. She didn't however miss Echo's departure or the fact that Tig was calling for Tasha.

CJ looked over at Chris "Why does she get to leave?" Chris snorted as she answered "Cause she's the designated Tig handler." CJ chuckled at that but sobered as she saw the tow truck pull in with a familiar car attached. "Shit." she exclaimed as she stood up and moved towards Tasha and Tig.

She was almost there when she heard the unmistakable sound of a head hitting metal and an answering groan before the loud voice of Tig assaulted everyone's ears. "Where the fuck did you get this car?" he demanded as a fist was thrown towards the man manning the tow. "Fucking answer me, where in the fuck did you get this fucking car!" CJ watched as Tasha pulled the enraged man away and gasped when he dropped to his knees, tears falling from his eyes. "That's Manny's car Tasha.. where is she?" CJ swallowed past a lump in her throat as she heard Tasha's honest answer. "I don't know Tiggy, none of us do."

CJ caught the eye of Jax who made his way over to her and pulled her into his arms only to hear Clay's voice ring out through the lot. "We can assume that whoever has Sienna also has Mari, I want bodies here now. Kozik call Tacoma, Hap call the nomads, Juice get to work, find anything you can on the women and do it quickly."

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