Part 11

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"Why didn't you tell me you were getting in the ring? I always miss the good shit." Echo huffed to Tasha as Chris came from her and Opie's shared dorm. "Who was it with?" Echo asked eagerly.

"CJ." Tasha said in a monotone with a shrug.

"Who the fuck is CJ?" Echo asked.

"Happy's sister." Tasha replied.

"Happy's what?!" Echo asked wide eyed.

"Happy's sister. We fought, got it out of our systems. We're good now."

Echo started doing the eggs and groaned when one slipped from her fingers and exploded on the ground. "It's too fucking early in the morning for my ass." Echo bitched.

"What was that?" Gemma asked appearing out of no where.

I said; "Good morning Gemma. You look lovely today Gemma. Such beautiful weather we are having."

"Cut the bullshit smart ass and start helping out." Gemma snapped as she left the kitchen, both Chris and Tasha were trying not to laugh.

Echo flipped them the bird. "Why do you always gotta piss her off Echo?" Tasha asked giggling.

"I don't know it's in my nature." Echo shrugged.

"Whatever. You heard Gemma. Start helping." Chris said handing Echo a tray.

After breakfast was severed and the kitchen was clean, and everyone was out and about doing what ever it is they did. After spending much needed time with both Chris and Tasha and finally meeting CJ, who Echo thought was a pretty cool ass chick. Echo was wandering around when she found her brother sitting in his dorm room looking lost in thought.

"Hey. You good Gigantor?" Echo asked. Opie sighed and shook his head knowing he couldn't lie to his siter.

"How am I going to protect her if I couldn't protect Donna?" He asked softly.

This was the first time Opie has talked about Donna to her. Echo knew Opie hated when people brought up Donna so she simply didn't and Opie thanked her for it. "Look, Opie what happened to Donna was... Unimaginable but Chris... Chris grew up in this. She was born and raised til she was ten in Belfast so she could probably kick a grown man's ass by the time she was five. She'll be fine Ope. Chris is a very different breed than most women." Echo said with a laugh.

"You think so?" Opie asked putting his arm around his sister shoulder laughing.

"I know so." Echo laughed.

"So, do you think she might... say yes if I asked her to marry me?" Opie asked.

Echo's jaw dropped. "Yes! Oh my god, she'll be ecstatic Ope. Chris loves you; you know she'll say yes." Echo squealed happily.

"Thanks kid. Love ya." Ope smiled hugging his sister.

"Love you too Ope." Echo smiled and left her brothers room.

She soon found herself wandering towards the garage, where she knew Juice was working. She slowly tried to sneak up to him making sure no one was around, she tried to scare him only for it to back fire. "I know your behind me Echo." Juice chuckled causing Echo to fall flat on her ass.

"What the fuck Juice? That hurt." Echo pouted as she got to her feet.

"Baby I'm sorry." Juice said trying to hide a laugh.

Echo pouted and did a quick glance around before pecking his lips quickly. A throat clearing behind them, made them jump apart quickly. "Echo you're with me." Chris said. "We need to go get some supplies." Chris gave her a knowing look and all Echo did was nod her head because she knew exactly what Chris was saying; 'Tell your brother or I will.'

Chris walked out to wait for her giving the two of them a moment alone. Nothing was said for a minute or two, until Juice spoke up first. "When are we going to tell them Echo? I can't keep sneaking around like this. I can get my cut taken from me for this." Juice said in a frustrated tone. Echo couldn't say anything. She was stunned into silence. This was the first time he's ever yelled at her. "You have nothing to say? The one person we can never get to shut the fuck up has nothing to say." He stated sarcastically. "You know what. I'm done. This never happened." Juice said though gritted teeth.

Echo wasn't going to let him see her cry, so she looked him in the eyes and stood tall. "Fine this never happened..." With that she turned away and was walked out to Chris, who heard everything.

"Hon..." Chris started but Echo put her hand up to stop her.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Echo snapped.

Chris sighed and didn't move from her spot as Echo kept walking. Her and her brother were two of the most hard-headed stubborn people she had ever met. Echo, realizing Christina wasn't behind her, turned around and looked at her.

"What Chris? Let's just go..." Echo said turning back to head toward Opie's truck.

What happened next was the scariest thing Chris ever seen. Within moments the world spun out of control. All they could hear was tires screeching, when a black van flew past the entrance of the lot. Masked men opened the side door and suddenly gunshots rang out. Chris fell to the ground covering her head. When the shots were over Chris got up only to see that Echo was lying on the ground covered in her own blood. Chris dropped to her knees beside her friend screaming for help.

"At least I didn't miss the good shit this time." Echo whispered in a hoarse voice, trying to make Chris laugh knowing she would go into a panic attack.

"Echo! Stay with me hon!" Chris begged. "HELP!"She wailed from where she knelt next to her bleeding friend as she applied pressure to her shoulder where blood poured from between her fingers...

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