Part 44

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CJ was sat in the dorm she was sharing with Kozik talking to the man himself. Since coming to Charming they hadn't had much to say to each other and with the decision she had made when speaking with Hap, she knew she needed the kind of help her best friend could provide.

"I'm not going back to Tacoma." she told him. "Didn't think you would, especially with Hap patching in here." Kozik said as he pulled her into a hug. "And can I assume a certain blond haired blue eyed VP had something to do with your decision?" he asked as she laid a head on his shoulder. "I don't know... Maybe... I just know that I owe it to myself to give this a chance ya know?" she said, her grey eyes swirling with emotion she usually buried. "What you gonna do with your shit?" he asked and knew the answer as soon as she smirked at him. "Fine, I'll sort it all for ya, you want your bike here?" her squeal of excitement told him everything and he laughed, feeling content that she was finally showing some sort of happiness.

It was a few days later, after Kozik had left to sort things for her when she noticed that Echo was back to working on cars. "Hey kid, thought we agreed you would wait until Mari cleared you?" CJ snapped at her. "Yeah I know, but.." Echo started. "But nothing kid, you made me a promise." CJ said narrowing her eyes at the girl. Echo at least had the grace to look at the floor before answering her. "I got bored, I couldn't do it, I was going to snap. I was born to work on cars CJ." Echo whined. "Fine, I'll let you off this once." she said throwing the keys to the Nova at the girl. "No fucking way, you still going to let me do this?" she asked wide eyed. CJ nodded "This time yeah, but ignore what I say next time and see what happens." she said pointing a finger at her. "Yeah yeah, I hear ya." Echo said moving towards the Nova.

CJ smirked at the eagerness of the girl and turned to see Jax walking towards her. He greeted her with a kiss which she had to cut short due to her cell ringing, recognising the number she answered "Hey Chris, what's up?" Jax wrapped her into his arms as she spoke. "The agent just called, the warehouse is yours hon, just got to go and meet with him to get the keys." Chris told her. "Thanks love." she told the blond who was clearly back at the tattoo shop, she could hear the hum of the guns in the background. "Catch you there later?" Chris asked. "Sure, that would be great." CJ answered and hung up looking over at Echo who now had her car in a bay.

"Shit, how in the hell am I supposed to get there now." CJ grumbled. "I'll take ya darlin'" Jax offered with a smile. "Didn't you already do that?" Echo called out from under the hood of the Nova, clearly not bothered that she was eavesdropping. "You little.." CJ started but was unable to finish as Jax clamped his hand over her mouth whilst laughing at the look on her face. "She's not wrong" he whispered in her ear, earning himself an involuntary shiver.

Still chuckling at the pissed off look CJ had on her face he towed her over to his bike and handed her his helmet. He waited for her to be seated flush behind him before he started it up, gunning it and peeling out of the lot. "Where to darlin'" he shouted over the wind. "County Road 18." CJ called back.

A short time later they pulled up next to a spotless Audi Q2 and CJ immediately rolled her eyes knowing this could go downhill quick. She took off the helmet and smoothed down her fluffy hair and wrinkled clothing before placing a smile on her face she squared her shoulders and walked over to the man waiting by the doors. "Mr Martin?" she asked holding her hand out for him to shake. "I'm Carolina Lowman, I was informed you were expecting me?"

Jax watched amazed at how quickly she could change from sister to the Tacoma killer who fit in with the bunch of misfits he calls family, to a shrewd businesswoman and by God did it make his cock twitch.

He watched as the conversation continued and before he knew it the stiff in the suit was handing CJ the keys to her brand new warehouse. He remained by his bike until the man had left and then casually made his way to her side. "Carolina huh?" he asked not having heard her full name before. He watched as she flushed red and felt another twitch in his jeans. CJ smirked and went to lead him into the warehouse when his burner rang. He groaned as she laughed, he answered the call anyway. "Hey Ma, what do you need?" he asked. CJ couldn't hear the other end of the conversation but judging by the look of frustration she knew he had to go. CJ leaned, giving him a swift kiss "I guess I'll see you later then?" she asked as she opened the door. Jax grumbled under his breath as he awkwardly walked back to his bike, speeding off while CJ chuckled.

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