Part 58

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Chris finished putting her things away and waved goodbye to everyone, reminding Alex to lock up on his way out later. She climbed into her truck and figured she'd run by the coffee shop and see if Sienna needed a ride home. As she drew closer to the coffee shop, she could see the flashing lights like a beacon. A ball of dread settled deep in her gut as she swung her truck into a parking space and jumped out.

She spotted the familiar profile of Chief Unser and made her way through the growing crowd until she was stood in front of the man who often helped SAMCRO out. "What's going on Wayne?" Chris asked panicked, scared of what the answer might be.

"Sienna's gone sweetheart." He replied with a heavy sigh.

Instantly Chris felt her breathing become quicker and black dots appear in her vision. Wayne knew what was happening having been round the feisty yet level-headed woman since she first arrived in Charming and immediately stepped into her line of sight.

"Just breathe, in and out, that's it Chris." He said coaching her through the rapidly approaching panic.

"I, I, I got to go." Chris said, her heart racing and feeling a need to find Opie.

Wayne sighed knowing it wasn't wise to let her go but also knowing it would be worse if he made her stay. Chris climbed back in her truck and with a squeal of the tires, turned around and headed towards TM with tears streaming down her face making it near impossible to see.

Within minutes she pulled into TM and parked, finally allowing the tears to completely take over and she began to sob, shaking uncontrollably. Opie spotted her truck and casually walked over, racing to her side when he saw how badly she was shaking. "Tiny what's wrong? please talk to me." Opie begged as she continued to sob as she threw herself into his arms.

Opie knew she wasn't going to calm down anytime soon so he grabbed her bag and carried her to their dorm where he placed her gently on the bed and sat down beside her, rubbing her back with one hand and running the other through her blond tresses, constantly mumbling "It's okay, you're safe now Tiny."

Chris eventually calmed enough to speak, her voice cracking from the tears and panic. Opie noticed the problem and went to grab her a bottle of water when her eyes widened, and she refused to let him go. It was then he realized something big had happened, something that she needed to tell him. He also knew it was going to be really huge if she was this upset.

Promising he would be back within minutes Chris nodded and stared at the door anxiously waiting for him to return. He handed her the drink as soon as he re-entered the room and she drained half in one long swallow, panting heavily she thought about how she was going to tell him.

"Ope, please don't be mad... but Jimmy's here." She whimpered unwilling to meet his eyes. Opie sucked in a breath and wrapped his large arms around her tiny body. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck as he patiently waited for her to continue. "He didn't speak to me, but he did speak to Si. He was the reason for that bullshit between her and my Da." She felt him stiffen so she finished everything in a rush of words. "Sienna's gone, I went to give her a ride and the shop is swarmed with cops, Unser said she's disappeared, but it has to be Jimmy, Ope."

Opie watched as Chris began to panic all over again, concern for her tugged at his heart and he knew if it was Jimmy then the shit had well and truly hit the fan. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest as he rocked her back and forth, promising it will all be okay. Chris had settled into a fitful sleep, so Opie decided to get some information before taking it to the others.

He picked up his burner and dialed Unser. "What happened?" He asked rather than greeting the man.

Opie heard a sigh before the old man answered him. "Got a call, gunshot at the coffee shop, no one in sight with injuries but Derek said Sienna had gone out the back door and she's not there now. There is however some blood."

Opie felt his blood run cold, Chris was right... Someone had targeted Sienna and if she was right about that then chances are she was right about Jimmy's involvement. He left her sleeping as he went to the bar to see who was around, when he realized there was only him and Chibs around he made a decision but wanted to run it by Chris first.

He returned to their dorm taking a sip of the beer he had gotten himself and was not surprised to see her wide-eyed and breathing heavily. When he met her eyes, he gave her a small smile as he saw she was making an effort to control her breathing as he held a hand out for her to take.

He pulled her into him as he smelled her hair, finding comfort in the floral scent of her shampoo and with a sigh, leaned back to meet her sad eyes. "Tiny your Dad's out there, what do I tell him?"

"I need to call the girls, don't say anything yet please." Chris begged her fiancée, her eyes pleading him to agree.

Opie knew he was making a mistake, but he never could tell her no... So, he nodded to let her know he agreed and watched as she pulled her own burner and made a call. Hi, you've reached Tasha. I can't take your call right now, please try again later.

Chris grumbled as she tried another number, Yo you've reached Echo, either I can't come to the phone or I'm ignoring you, you decide which.

She then tried Mari and reached an automated woman telling her the same she had already heard.

Feeling her panic rise again she shrieked when she was once again greeted with, Hey this is CJ, if you getting this I'm busy, call me later or leave your digits.

She looked up at Opie, tears swimming in her eyes. "None of them are answering Giant... What do I do?"

Opie frowned before using his own burner for another call. "Hey Jax, I need you to get everyone to TM, ladies included." He demanded hanging up before Jax could question anything.

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