Part 47

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Echo was bouncing she was so excited. She had his crow and now, she was moving in with her old man. Piney noticed his daughter was practically vibrating with excitement and laughed as he approached her. Piney asked her why she looked ready to burst at any second and when she explained what had happened, he congratulated his daughter. Piney also suggested she ask her big brother to help her move in, as a way of really putting an end to any issues they had been having.

Echo loved that idea and hugged her father tightly before heading off to find Opie. She found him inside the clubhouse down in his dorm. "Hey Ope." Echo greeted sweetly.

"Hey sis. What do you want?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Okay, so I don't want to ever lie to you again... Juice asked me to move in with him and I said yes. Annnnd, I was wondering if you could please help me move my stuff in?" Echo asked nervously hoping he would be okay with it.

"Yeah, I'll help. Do you think you can wait until this afternoon? I have plans with Chris." Opie said smirking at Echo whose face scrunched in disgust.

"Ewwww! You're disgusting dude." Echo groaned shaking her head as she walked out.

True to his word, Opie showed up at Juices' house in Chris' truck, the bed filled with boxes of Echo's personal belongings. Opie looked out and saw how happy she looked and sighed. He didn't like the idea of his baby sister growing up but at least she was happy.

Opie got out of the truck and Juice headed his way. "Hey brother, thank you for helping us out." Juice said shaking Ope's hand.

"It's no problem. If you need anything, just know we got your back. Just take care of her okay?" Ope told him.

"Yeah man, of course." Juice replied.

"Where is she?" Opie asked looking for his sister, "Leave it up to that little shit to leave us with all the hard work." Opie said with a laugh.

"She went to go visit Sienna, Mari and Tasha. I guess she wants to do a lady's night here. Chris and CJ said it would be a good idea to throw like a housewarming or a welcome home party which includes a lot of wine, some hard liquor and all the guys at the clubhouse. No exceptions." Juice explained rolling his eyes at the end.

Opie gave a full belly laugh, he looked to her shit still in the truck, "Brother are you sure? It's not too late. You can change your mind now."

"Nawh, I'm good brother. She's my world." Juice told him with a goofy grin.

Opie knew exactly what he was talking about because he felt the exact same way about Christina. "Then let's get this shit moved in."

It had been a few weeks since Echo moved in with Juice and let's just say the first night, they christened almost every spot in the house except for the kitchen. Waking up in the morning Echo wanted to make breakfast for her man so she got up early to start making pancakes, bacon and eggs. She put the coffee on and poured a glass of orange juice.

As Juice woke up he could smell something delicious, he loved the fact that Echo agreed to live with him and he loved the fact that they no longer had to hide because the extended family all knew now.

He walked to the kitchen spotting his old lady in one of his shirts, one that only just covered her ass, placing the cooked food on a plate. Her hair was a mess so she had pulled it up in a bun, but he wouldn't have it any other way, she was beautiful to him.

He crept up behind her, wrapping his arms round her waist and placed his head into the crook of her neck "Good morning baby" he said his voice still husky from sleep.

"Morning handsome" she replied with a smile.

"Why are you up and dressed?" Juice asked, turning Echo around in his arms and leaning down to meet her lips in a searing kiss.

"Baby the food" Echo said giggling.

"Fuck the food, come here" Juice said as he picked her up and placed her on the kitchen table, taking the seat in front of her. "I have a better idea" he said smirking as he pushed Echo so she was laid back on the table, Juice moved to place both of her legs over his shoulders and lifted his shirt

"Ba- bab- baby you're not wearing panties." Juice said stunned at the sight that greeted him.

"That's cause someone keeps taking them" she answered pointing at Juice. He snapped his teeth at her pointer finger "Shut up, I want my breakfast." he said leaning down to run his tongue over her clit. Echo shivered at the sensation "Fuck breakfast anyway." she moaned.

At the Clubhouse

Jax and Opie walked out of Chapel and spotted Chris and CJ sat at the bar talking and sipping on hot drinks. Both ladies looked up as they approached and smiled.

"Can you ladies do us a favor and go pick up some papers from Juice please?"Jax asked giving CJ his panty dropping smile.

"Yeah, I haven't seen the kid in a day or so." CJ replied shrugging her shoulders

"That's because Juice won't let her come up for air" Chris said laughing

"Eww babe don't say that shit" Opie said as he gagged. "I'm sorry Giant, but you know it's true." Chris said kissing Opie's cheek, still giggling

"Mom has the keys to Juice's place." Jax says to Chris "She should be in the office."Jax said walking away but not before placing a kiss to CJ's cheek.

CJ and Chris arrived at the house but couldn't see his bike or her car, they had no reason to know they parked them in the garage.

As they let themselves in they were greeted to a shocking sight, Juice had Echo bent over the kitchen table fist full of hair and was pounding in to her

"Dammit kid, my fucking eyes" CJ exclaimed, throwing a hand over her eyes to block the image she was sure was burned on to her retinas

"Ugh REALLY ECHO? Jesus." Chris muttered turning away and walking out shaking her head.

Juice tried desperately to cover himself and Echo and failed miserably, CJ narrowed her eyes at him "I know you already been told, but trust me when I say Ope is a pussycat compared to me" she growled.

"Really? did you have to go there?" Echo mumbled hurrying to put Juice's shirt back on.

"I know who I'd rather be scared of..." Chris said walking away to leave the couple to get redressed but she paused when she heard Juice audibly swallow and she turned back looking at Echo and then CJ. All three of them burst into laughter and Juice just stood there stunned.

Whilst they were laughing Juice slipped away only to return a few minutes later, thankfully wearing sweatpants. The girls had stopped laughing now and they watched as Juice walked over to Chris shoving a bunch of papers at her. "Guess you came here for these?" he said shyly leading to the girls to erupt in laughter once more.

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