Chapter 13

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Tae nodded, watching water run vigorously. "Where does it come from? The water, I mean," he wondered aloud. Jungkook put his finger to his lips. "Shhh. It's a secret."

Tae would've rolled his eyes had he known Jungkook was kidding. Instead, he cowarded a little at Jungkook's seemingly serious face. Kookie leant down to feel the water again, deciding it was warm and deep enough for Taehyung.

"Wanna give it a try?" he asked shyly, hoping Tae would accept. "Yeah," Taehyung replied enthusiastically. So Jungkook walked over to pick Taehyung up once again and carry him to the bathtub. He cautiously lowered Tae's tail into the water.

Taehyung hummed at the warmth he became engulfed in. The water was calm and perfect. He dipped his head under and flushed his gills. It felt so nice. Kookie stood awkwardly as he waited for Taehyung to pop back up and gush about how cool bathtubs were.

"By Poseidon, this is amazing!" exclaimed Tae. He grabbed Jungkookie's hand and lightly tugged. "You should get in, too. This is really cool." Jungkook laughed and shook his head. "Nope. I have to stay dry for when my dad shows up."

Taehyung whined, and Kookie shut off the still flowing water. When he did, he heard movement downstairs. His father was home. "Oh shit. I must not have heard my dad come home 'cause of the water rushing. I'm sorry but I need to go. You'll be okay, right?" Tae hummed a yes in response.

Jungkook unintentionally slammed the bathroom door as he made his way downstairs. His heart was racing as his mind kept reminding him he was hiding a merman from his father. "Hey, kiddo," Jin called as he heard his son approach him. He was putting groceries away when Kookie crashed into him.

"S-sorry, Dad! You scared me when you came in," Jungkookie choked out. He wondered if Jin could hear his heart pounding. Jin put his hands on Kookie's shoulders to calm him down. It didn't help, though.

"Calm down, buddy! I wasn't gone that long," Jin replied with a laugh. He could tell something was up, but he didn't mention anything, recalling Poseidon's warning. Jin quickly went back to work when Kookie seemed calm.

Things seem to be going okay so far, Jungkook reasoned with himself. Maybe this'll work and- His thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of splashing water. Jin paused and turned to eye Jungkook's change in expression.

"I f-forgot that I had the bath r-running so I c-could wash up! I should go check on that!" Jungkook said, rapidly excusing himself from the kitchen. Shit, what if dad follows me! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Jungkookie couldn't tell if his mind or heart would win in a race right now since they were both speeding so fast. As he reached the bathroom door, barged in expecting a catastrophe.

However, he was greeted by Taehyung's light humming and the sound of the bathtub faucet pouring once again. "Oh hi, Jungkookie! I figured out how to make the water come! Isn't this the best?" Taehyungie questioned as he put his hand under the faucet to feel water falling into the tub.

"God, Tae! You can't make so much noise! My father heard you splashing," Kookie scolded. Tae pouted adorably. "I'm sorry. I was just excited about getting the water to appear," he apologized. Jungkook's anger melted into a smile.

"It's okay. Just be a little more quiet. We can't have anyone finding out about you," Jungkook stated worriedly. He felt his way over to sit on the edge of the tub. Taehyung brushed his tail affectionately against Jungkook, getting the boy wet. Jungkook flinched at the feeling of his wet clothes, then decided he might as well get in since he'd told his dad he would.

He removed his shirt and dipped into the warm water, letting Taehyung hug his tail around Kookie's waist. Good thing I'm still in my swim trunks, he thought with a smirk. Almost directly on que, a question popped into Taehyungie's head.

"Why do humans always cover certain parts of themselves? Is it because exposing their full beauty like yours is too overwhelming?" Tae asked with an oblivious tone. Jungkook blushed hard as he stifled a laugh.

"Tae, do mermaids not have private parts?" Jungkook asked, embarrassed. Tae paused to consider. "Do you mean like how girls have breasts so they can feed baby mers? Now that I think about it, they do always keep those covered.

"Y-yeah, it's like that... except humans also have parts that make babies. That's why I'm wearing shorts," Jungkook said, trying to be as vague as possible but still get the point across. Taehyung giggled.

"Oh my, Kookie! You're not supposed to talk about baby making stuff! How naughty!" the mer exclaimed with cute little snickers. "But I'll tell you a secret. Mermaids have babies by picking out a special scale from their tail and using magic to combine it with their partner's scale. That's just the basics, but I'm too embarrassed to go into detail.

"Yeah... that's not how it works for humans..." Jungkook mumbled. Kookie felt a warm and wet hand hold his cheek. "Hush, Kookie. You're making me uncomfortable," Taehyung said in a sweetly sarcastic voice. Jungkookie smiled.

"Thank God," Jungkook said, the redness leaving his face. Tae rolled his eyes, also smiling. "So do you like my place?" Taehyung pretended to ponder this and Kookie jokingly hit is arm.

"Yes, omp it's so beautiful and innovative and all so new to me!" shouted Tae, his demeanor changing at the speed of light. Jungkookie put a finger to his lips to remind Tae of being quiet. Taehyung didn't notice.

"Did you mean omg?" asked Kookie with an eyebrow raised. "No silly, I meant o-m-p. It stands for Oh My Poseidon," Taehyung responded. Now Jungkook had both eyebrows raised. "You believe in Poseidon?!" he shouted, forgetting he had told Tae to be quiet just 20 seconds before. Taehyung nodded with a grin.

"Of course I believe in Poseidon. He was the one who crowned the royal family. He's kind of the founder of all the oceanic Kingdoms. Why are you looking at me as if I'm crazy? How could you possibly believe in mermaids but not accept the Almighty Poseidon?" Taehyung asked, taking Jungkook's hands in his. Kookie cleared his throat.

"So, does that mean the other greek Gods are real too? Have you ever met any of them?" asked the astounded boy. Taehyungie giggled and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just know about Poseidon. And no, I've never met him. But I'd like to!"

"So then is the royal family descended from Poseidon?" Jungkookie questioned. "No. He just chose our and 3 other bloodlines because it was the only pure one left in the oceans, and he gave the royal bloods special abilities to distinguish them from our subjects." Kookie tilted his head.

"You just said 'our' twice. Are you telling me you're a... mer prince?" Jungkook was intrigued by where this conversation was headed. Realizing his mistake, Taehyung gasped and put his and to his mouth.

Phew, that was a bit awkward to write... hope you enjoy it! Love ya!

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