Chapter Twenty Two

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Last Chapter!! There'll be an author's note at the end so please read!

The statement echoed inside Darcy's mind, Tori's voice and the distorted, deep voice of the person who killed her mother and Dante.

It could've just been a coincidence, right? Darcy wanted to believe that more than anything. But the pieces started to come together.

She had stayed away from the case and had hated everyone involved with it. She had always been wary of when Darcy made new friends.

She couldn't let Tori know that she knew.

She cleared her throat. "I don't think that you get to decide who's good for me, and who's not, Tor, no offense."

"You don't understand!" Tori cried out. "You never have!"

"Devorah's my friend. Ares is my friend. And guess what, I think they're amazing."

"They're not good enough for you!" Tori screamed, her eyes filled with angry tears. "They don't love you like I do!"

Darcy felt her anger rise, like a coking wave in her throat. "What are you going, Tori? Are you going to kill them too?" She snapped.

"If I have to, I will." Tori swore, her voice dark.

"And guess what you'll achieve, Tori, you'll make me hate you. More than Jackson."

"You could never hate me." Tori told her haughtily.

You still have that gun, Darcy. A part of her wanted her to take that gun, and kill Tori, for all the suffering she had put Darcy through.

But part of her still believed that Tori wasn't this person. A murderer. A killer. The girl that had watched so many movies with her, had killed someone.

"You killed my mom, you killed my brother, and you killed Ethel! That's not loving, Tori, that's psychopathic. That's obsessive."

"And I couldn't care less."

"I'm never going to love you like that Tor, I'm sorry. Especially not after you killed three people."

"Well, you're just going to get used to the fact that I don't care if you love me." Tori explained.


Ethel Moore looked up at the face of her killer.

"We trusted you. I trusted you." Ethel told Victoria Davis.

"I told you to stay away from her. You didn't listen."

"You have no control over her! You can't make her love you when she doesn't see you that way." Ethel exclaimed.

Tori chuckled darkly. "Maybe, but I can eliminate all the threats."

Ethel wished she could pull herself back, against the wall, and she wished her bones weren't broken. "She'll never love you if you do this." Ehtel tried.

"I don't need her love. I only need her."


"Tori, please, turn yourself in. If you really love me, you'll do that." Darcy tried.

"I'm not a fool Darcy. I love myself just as much as I love you, Darcy. I'm not going to follow you off a bridge." Tori smirked at her words.

"Tori, those people didn't deserve to die. Especially not Dante."

"So? He was just collateral that I wasn't sorry about. He hurt you."

"Dante never hurt me! He was six! You made my life worse by killing them, Tor, don't you see that? You made me go through hell with Jackson."

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