Part Forty Six: Alive

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[A/N: I realized something. I accidentally doubled a chapter. So from Part 44, I jumped to 46. I got so lazy to correct the chapters. And if you noticed, I no longer added pictures for the last few chapters. I broke my phone and lost the pictures. Anyway, last part! Here we go!]

Calum's POV

Two years after

"Whoa! Congratulations!" They all cheered happily, greeting one another - the management, the band, everyone that's been part of the team.

It's been two years now since we've been noticed by One Direction and we've started touring on our own, recording our own songs, releasing, doing meet and greets and a lot more that we could ever dream off.

I sighed, looking at the mirror, after locking myself in the bathroom. Nothing new, the usual me, brown eyes. I dyed my hair back to black a few months ago after bleaching my bangs.

My eyes landed on the tattoo in my wrist that I got two years ago. It was now the only thing I got after losing her, the only thing that remind me of her love for me, of the love we shared together - the love that I lost.

Two months after the crash, everyone gave up and they officially announced her dead. I didn't stopped believing that she's still out there, not without a body. They just didn't found her, said that she must have been washed far away or was pushed deep into the sea or something worst that I don't even wanna think about anymore.

Up until now, I don't know whether to finally believe it or not. Still no body, but we have no trace whatsoever.

For over a year, I was grieving for my lost. I didn't wanna get over her. I still haven't. But I tried my best to be strong and go on my life. For myself, for my friends, my family _ and for her. I know she'd want this, whether she's here or not.

We hit off the billboard chart today, that's why they're celebrating outside, here at our studio house. I am happy, of course I am.

But, like what I said, two years ago, exactly this day, was the day they announced her dead. I can't find the guts to celebrate with them without being devastated.

"Are you done yet?" Someone called on the other side of the door after trying to open the door. He knocked, "I need to pee."

I immediately wiped the drop of tear that was forming at the edge of my eyes, and opened the door. Luke smiled at me.

"Oh, hey, Calum," he said. I smiled back. "Do you mind?"

He gestured at me, as I was blocking the door. I chuckled, getting out of the way so he can go in.

"Thanks," he patted me in the shoulder. "See you in a bit."

Then he closed the door behind. I made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink. Michael was munching on a pizza with a drink in his hand.

Typical Michael, I thought.

I smirked, sitting beside Ashton who was on the couch, holding the remote high as he change channel after channel.

And, right then, I saw something - someone rather - that caught my eyes.

"Wait, wait!" I said abruptly, tapping him in his arm. "Turn back! Turn back!"

"O..." he started, confused, "..kay? Okay. Which one?"

"The one with Asians," I said.

"You certainly look like one," he chuckled. I glared at him. He simply laughed at me and turned the channel back. "Alright, I'm kidding. This one?"

"I saw her," I muttered, as I stare at the tv screen. The interviewer was reading some questions from the screen, obviously for someone she was with. But was it really her? I don't know, but it sure looks like her. I instructed him and said, "don't change it and look."

I know what I saw and I'm not hallucinating. Any minute now..

"So," the reporter finally smiled to the person she's talking to. "Any message to the fans?"

And there she was, as stunning as ever. She was smiling, and God, I miss those smiles. She was wearing a black off shoulders dress.

"Well, it's been a real rollercoaster ride for me," she giggled, blushing. Ashton gasped on my side. I heard Michael rushed to my side as he seen her too.

"Is that.." Michael started. "She's..."

"Alive!" I finished for him. Yes, she's alive.

"Why is she in an Asian channel being interviewed?" Michael said, curious. "Whoa, whoa! This is huge!"

"She was probably washed away, that's why her body wasn't found," Ashton said. "And somebody took her in, I don't know. But that's definitely her. That's her, right?"

"That's her," I said with my gaze still in the tv screen.

"It's known to everyone that it's been a real struggle for me," Michelle said to the interviewer.

"Yes, we heard of that!" the interviewer answered with sympathy in her eyes. "How are you doing with that? Remembered anything yet? Has anyone come in contact with you?"

"Oh, geez! There's been a few, especially after the movie became a hit here," she answered. "Suddenly I was known, but my history is still unknown. the passed few months, dozens claim that they're related to me, but no proof. Even my team is helping me. But, really, this industry, I know will be the way for me to find out about my past."

"And we sure will," she said. "We really hope someone who knows you would be able to see you on screen and recognize you."

"Yes, please, that would great!" she said, hopeful. "This is one of the reason why I worked hard. To be on screen, hoping they would see me."

"So, correct me if I'm wrong," Luke finally said. He was standing right beside Michael. "She's acting. And she hasn't shown up because... she lost her memory and was hoping to find out who she is?"

"Seems like she had an amnesia," I whispered.

The interview went on, with my eyes not talking it off from the tv screen.

She's alive. And it really is her! It fits! She said it's been 2 years and she doesn't know anything from her past and that's the reason why she started acting and wanted so bad to be on screen. And now, she's being telecast, and we finally see her! We finally know where she is!

"Are we okay to travel? Shows are over, right?" I asked.

"But, first," Ashton eyed me. "I know you're excited, we miss her, too. But you gotta make her believe you."

"She will," I said, stating the obvious. "When she sees me!"

"She just said people are starting to claim they know her but they do not. She has an amnesia!" He pointed out.

"Also, her name's not Michelle now," Luke added. "It's Sabrina."

"Sabrina it is," I sighed. "But I will make her remember. And I will make her believe. Now, who's with me?"

I looked at everyone. Michael, Ashton and Luke were all quiet, looking back at me.

"I wanna bear hug my best friend," Michael said, smiling.

"I'm gonna book the tickets then," Ashton smiled, patting me on the shoulder.

"And I'm gonna start packing my things now," Luke finally answered, smiling. "How long are we gonna be there?"

I smiled, "till she remembers."

(And, on that note, I will be ending this book here. Yay! Finally! I kinda did this in a so messy way, but I hope you get the point and idea. Anyway, I will now continue with the next book! And if you missed out on the first book, check it out, it's called My Bestfriend's Lover. Still thinking a title for book three though! But see you there!)

(PS: And thank you so much for reading this! Check out my other stories too.)

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