I don't know why I do this to myself, my life just feels fake. Like I'm living in somebody else's body, but I've only felt this way for a month or so. I remember when I felt so alive and like I could do anything, and maybe that's how I got where I am today. I was reckless and never really thought about my actions, or the people around me. I hurt some amazing people in my life and I can't do anything about it, except to simply get over it and hopefully move on, right? Well I've tried that and it only makes things worse, because I genuinely care about everyone. Even if they don't feel the same way about me. Sure you can forgive other people, but can you ever forgive yourself? No, and I don't expect anyone else to forgive me. Sure I'm writing this to no one but I need to put this somewhere, to let my feelings out. I feel like I can't tell anyone how I feel because they'll take it the wrong way. So it's time to just write down my feelings like all of the other girls out there, but hey at least I don't write fan fiction