Arc 10 - Dizi and Guqin ...

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A/n - I'll have to warn that this chapter contain explicit content that are sensitive to most. 🙈🙈


'Why ... No body stay with him?' Lan WangJi enter the dimly light room cautiously. The room's only occupant was lying in bed, but not in rest.

'Nightmare?' curiously enough, Lan WangJi sat on the bed and checked for Wei WuXian's pulse.

"Lan Zhan," a soft sighs escaped from the restless Wei WuXian. A tear escape from the corner of his eye. "If you think ... that I'm on the wrong side, I'll be glad to die by your sword,"

'Who am I ... to you?' asked Lan WangJi in his heart, reluctant to voice it out loud. He closed his eyes,  overwhelmed by his own wishes to find the answer. He faintly heard the rustling before he felt a weak tug on his sleeve. He opened his eyes to see Wei WuXian eyes opened slightly.

"Lan Zhan ... Only you believe in me.  Some even believed that I've become the devil." His voice was too soft and slurring a bit. "Lan-er gege, you should relax more," a few lazy tugs on his sleeve, a small smile stretching those pouty lips and those half-lidded eyes closed again.

Lan WangJi sat there staring. He merely stare as the face's muscles relaxed. He couldn't help but to imprint the peaceful visage in his memory.

The first thing I realized it was dark. This darkness was purposely made by someone as he could feel the material covering his eyes. I wondered what had happened. The last memory I could remembered was talking to my brother of the rumours I've heard while doing my errand for the clan in the Caiyi Town.

Tinkling sound of tea set alerted me of the other presence. The fragrance that followed oddly enough soothing me.

"Who are you?" I asked but my voice sounded different.

"Wei Ying," I was startled to hear the other person's familiar voice, but much more surprising was the revelation of the name uttered by the person.

"Am I allowed to make noise?" 'I' whispered but still sounded too loud.

"Hmm," teeth grazing lightly on 'my' left earlobe, sending jerky reactions through 'my' sensory.

"You're sure?" 'I' asked warily.

"It's warded,"

"Why my eyes are covered?"

" ..." Only the rustling sound of blanket removed from over 'my' body.  The sudden touch of cold air confirmed my thought that 'I' am in nude.

"May I take off this blind fold?" Another silent moment and a small chuckles escaped from 'me'. "Alright, I'm going to divulge you with this act, Lan Zhan," to hear my suspicion confirmed feel like I was struck by lightning. This moment was so bizarre that I can't think of any suitable reasons of the situation.

Deprived of one sense, other senses becomes heightened. The touch of those deftly calloused fingers because of sword and guqin practices leaving a delicious fiery trail on 'my' cool skin. 'My' body was getting warmer as its breathing tempo increases. 'Do I have to experience this!?' asked myself started to panic as the event unfolding more.

'My' body shivers as those big and strong hands spread open 'my' legs and pushed those knees upwards to 'my' chest. I felt 'my' arms hooked under 'my' knees. A moment later, down where the world rarely see, I felt a warm wet feeling. It tentatively swipe again over the rose bud it found.

"Lan Zhan, come up here," 'my' demands came out with difficulty as 'my' sensitive bud practically lavished with the wet swipes. "Lan Zhan~! Ahhnn~ mmhh~! Come up here ... Don't do that ..." pleaded the voice as 'my' body was writhing under the continuous assault.

"You're mine ... I'll have you however I want."

"You're HanGuang-Jun ... " 'I' tried to protest but fell on deaf ears. 'I' felt gradually that 'my' lower part getting relaxed and the warm wet appendage pushing in through the tight rim. In the darkness that surrounds my vision, I felt 'my' body surrendering. The wet and squishy appendage thrusting in and out, preparing the tight passage of something imminent.

"You're my lover ... Wei Ying," the wet appendage disappeared and replaced with something narrow and hard. Its uncomfortable as it thrusting in and out. Then, it wriggled inside until it touch a spot that sent spark behind my closed eye lids and my hip buckles.

A kiss bestowed on 'my' inner thigh lovingly as distraction. Another narrow something join, opening the passage wider, thrusting in and out never missed to touch the sweet spot.
'My' lower body feels like melting at the same time something ominous building up.

"Just as you was strumming your guqin, you are playing me to your tune." 'I' shamelessly declared. The heart in my chest might failed me soon. Stimulation that my body endured felt too much to handle.

"Shameless!" Said Lan Zhan claiming a spot on 'my' neck. It work wonders in distracting me from the feeling of another narrow something joining the other two and making a mess inside of me.

Just as I felt that I'm going to fall over the edge, those three narrow something were withdrawn. Before I express my feeling at the loss, 'my' lips claimed by another pair of lips. Then I sensed something else at the entrance of 'my' wet passage. It merely brushing and nudging against the loosen rim.

Impatient, 'I' wrapped 'my' arm around the body over 'me', and 'my' entrance breached.


My body is hot and bothered.

While a sense was blocked, other senses were heightens to compensate. It felt so real, like I'm the one who experienced it physically. I looked outside and it's still pitch black.

"What should I do?" I asked myself out loud. I moved to leave the bed but I realized something. A fact that for all the years I've been experimenting myself in private, I've never been this hard.

A soft breeze carry a scent that I'm started to affiliate with a young man that occupied my thoughts most of the time recently. It's a citrus fragrant, fresh and crisp that I almost could taste it on my tongue.

"No time to waste then," I told my self firmly, grabbing on Bichen, as I walked out through the bamboo forest.


A/n - DON'T HATE ME !!
Let me know what is your opinion. Stay safe and healthy everyone!!💕💕

1029 words (8/6/2020)

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