Arc 6 - Undone by You

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"The calmness of azure blue,
The passion of crimson red,
The sweet fragrant of white magnolia,
The rebirth of red lotus,
In harmony bring forth prosperity


It is bustling with people doing their everyday job out there in the street. Hawkers selling hot and fresh food. Farmers selling out their meat and poultry, vegetables and fruits. There are also few with crafty hands offering good prices for beauty and unique accessories. Over all, it is a good day for businesses and that's all they needed to know.

Although it is the opposite for the few people gathered on the second floor of the inn established by Lan clan. Their attire obviously screamed finest and prestigious, suitable for their positions as leaders of their own sect.

"Gentlemen and lady, thank you for coming on the short notice."

"Well, things getting a bit redundant lately. Although I thought this meeting for men only?" Nie MingJue pointed out not so subtle. Madam Yu smile slightly. She might have some displeasure with her husband, but she's duty bound to preserve his image.

"Clan Leader Nie, it's a bit uplifting to be grace by beauty such of her. I'm quite sorry that my own lady can't be here to accompany you, Madam Yu." As usual, Jin GuangShan smoothly talked to cover for the brash and hot headed young Clan Leader.

"My presence here is unprecedented. My Lord tried to persuade me away, but he knows me better,"

A soft knock by the main door alerted them to a servant. "May I serve now, Master Lan QiRen?"

"Yes, come in,"

"You serve us with tea and wine, instead of only tea, QiRen?" Jiang FengMian surprised by the menu served by the inn helpers.

"This meant serious business then." Comments Nie MingJue as he tried to gauge the seriousness of the situation.

"Good wine, nice weather ... I'll manage somehow," announced Jin GuangShan casually.

"Now that we've done with all the greetings, we're going to discuss the reasons you've all been called." Lan XiChen finally take lead of the meeting.


Lan WangJi love a good read and mystery. After he heard the sad poetry, he can't help but wish to get to know more of Wei WuXian. Wei WuXian is very different from the rumours he heard circulating around Cloud Recesses. That makes him quite hard to read and mysterious.

Currently, their classes has been postponed until Master Lan QiRen return from business in Caiyi Town. On the day of new disciples' admission, Lan WangJi had returned from night hunting with an unconscious body. At a glance, looks like a dead body. After closer inspection, it's actually an alive body without consciousness. There were many reports similar to that case, which resulted in the emergency meeting.

On such rare opportunity, most disciples had decided to either leisurely reading or simply enjoying the scenery around Cloud Recesses garden. Lan WangJi also taking a leaf out of the book, he choose to read at one of the gazebos that were built.

Sitting under another gazebo, Wei WuXian yawned sleepily, when he heard a far away yell. He looked up and froze as he stared at the scene he's seeing. The cup of tea slipped from his hand, but he's not aware of the reality to react. His mind unable to process the images his eyes were seeing. His senses were numb to the outside world. "Shi ... jie ..." Whispered Wei WuXian.

The sound of broken cup immediately pulled many attention. Lan WangJi had approached them by the time Jiang YanLi touch on Wei WuXian's arm.

"A-Xian ... what's wrong?" Jiang YanLi carefully steered Wei WuXian away from the broken pieces of cup. She's been warned by her parents to keep a close eye on Wei WuXian on their visit few days ago.

"A-Li, I know that you always look after both of your brothers. However, I want you to watch A-Xian closely. There's something had happened to him lately, but we're not sure how serious it is or it will be." Jiang YanLi look at both her parents in concern. Madam Yu nodded solemnly.

"You'll have to inform us if you notice anything out of sorts happened. Clan Leader Lan and Master Lan QiRen also know about this, but if you can ... be discreet. We don't want A-Xian or anyone else to be alert too." Cautioned Madam Yu, taking her first born daughter's hand into hers. Jiang YanLi put her other hand on top of her mother's and smile reassuring to both her parents.

"I understood. I'll take care of them, at the same time keep an extra eye on A-Xian too." Promised Jiang YanLi.

End flashback

"Wei WuXian?" Lan WangJi called to the tranced young man. A lone tear traced its slow path down Wei WuXian's pale face. Lan WangJi exchanged glances with Jiang YanLi.

"A-Xian!" Jiang YanLi desperately called for her brother. It's been years since she remembered her brother shed any tears. Her frantic action pulled others to see themselves of their situation.

"What is wrong with him?" Jin ZiXuan asked Nie Huaisang whom shook his head, clueless as he also just arrived. He looked around but couldn't find Jiang Cheng. He frown slightly.

"Shijie ... no ...!!" Wei WuXian suddenly pulled his hand from Jiang YanLi's grasped, making her unbalanced and fell sideways on the table. Lan WangJi help Jiang YanLi to stand and gain her balance again.

Staring ahead with eyes unseeing and face getting paler by the seconds, Wei WuXian started to walk backwards. Jiang YanLi looked up just in time to see he stepped backwards into the koi pond. "A-XIAN !!" A splash and Lan WangJi dashed passed Jiang YanLi.

Lan WangJi acting purely on instinct had jumped to pull out Wei WuXian and climbed out of the pond, carrying a passed out Wei WuXian, both were dripping wet. Luckily the pond not so deep, roughly 3 to 4 feets.

"Lan-er Gongzi ... How is he?" Jiang YanLi rushed to hold Wei WuXian's hand. Clearly she was shaken by the event.

"He's unconscious." Replied Lan WangJi short. He look down and a spark of warmth bloom in his stomach. 'Am I concern? He is lighter than he should be.' thought Lan WangJi.

"Jiang Cheng, we need a healer," informed the gentle elder sister. Jiang Cheng nodded in silence, turned around to search for a healer.

"I can check him if you can trust me," they all turned around to see Wen Qing and Wen Ning standing not far from them.

"You're a good healer, right?" As the first born of the Jiang family, although it was clear that Jiang Cheng will inherits the clan, Jiang YanLi still have the responsibility to learn all about other sects. The politics and diplomatic, news and rumours, trick and treats.

"Yes, it's been my family's teaching and pride."

"I'm not sure what really happened, though he's been having less appetite, and unfocused quite often the last few days."

"Give me some moment to make an evaluation myself,"

"Of course and thank you," Jiang YanLi lovingly brushed aside a few strands of hair from Wei WuXian's face. She glanced up to catch Lan WangJi's eyes and smiled in appreciation for his help.


A/n - Rushed and messy. I've done re-edit

Published (1 March 2020)
875 words

Re-edit (10 March 2020)
1204 words

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