Arc 15 - Tumbling

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A/n - Read at your own discreet!! 😉🤭🤭🤭

Lan WangJi returned to the Jingshi hours ago. He occupied himself with his daily routines of practicing in playing zither, writing scriptures and reading. In between, he'll glanced over to check if Wei WuXian awake or in distress.

After recent incidents, Lan WangJi had frequented the library to borrow more books that usually had nothing to do with Lan Clan cultivation method.

He once read a book that describes such occurrences that could lead a person trapped in their dreamscape. The risks are higher if the person in poor health. The only way to prevent that was to provide help or create disturbance from the real world.

There was a few cases where the trapped victim woke up. However, the experiences or the memories in the dreamscape were either too vivid or too strong that the victims unable to realize the truth. That they still trapped in their own mind, although they had woken up. In the worst case scenario, other people didn't realised the victims still trapped even after they woke up days, months even years!

"Lan Zhan," Lan WangJi turned to look at the source of the voice. Wei WuXian was slowly sitting up and smiling as his eyes roaming over the room.

'When did he wake up?' wondered Lan WangJi. Wei WuXian seems familiar with the place that he's so relaxed. He didn't act like first time being in Jingshi.

"It's rare for you to look so relax lately. I'm worried that you'll adopt your uncle's principles," Wei WuXian commented as he left the bed to approach Lan WangJi.

'Does his health had deteriorated so bad that he fell into the trap already?' thought Lan WangJi alarmed.

"Therefore, as your partner ... I suggest you to make use of me as you see it fit," said Wei WuXian softly, kneeling down beside Lan WangJi.

"Wei Ying," Lan WangJi tried to say something, but nothing came to his mind.

"Whatever conflict had arisen ... You'll have the solution soon. Take some time to unwind and you might find your answer," ignoring the call of his name, Wei WuXian was leaning forward and whispered into Lan WangJi's ear, "Will you prepare me or take me raw?"

Lan WangJi felt like lightning had struck him literally. A memory of himself looming over Wei WuXian flashed behind his closed eyelids. He opened his eyes as a wet appendage swipe at his earlobe. He's half aware of a pair of hands divesting him of his outerwear. His nostrils intoxicated by the faint fragrance surrounded Wei WuXian.

A desire ... a desire that he'd been fighting off for the last couple of days slipping through the cracks in his inner wall.

Lan WangJi grabbed Wei WuXian's arms and pushed him back slowly. He looked into those stormy eyes, looking for clues of the other person's current mind. Their relationship was a messy start, yet he was hoping to sort things out and to further develop their relationship. Glimpses of memories he'd saw was not something that 'they' achieved within months. It required more than a decade of trust and hardships to temper their relationship.

"Wei WuXian ... are you awake?" The probing question made Wei WuXian halted and blinked.

"Ah~?" Exclaimed Wei WuXian sounded suspiciously relieved. The current expression on Wei WuXian's face ensnared Lan WangJi unwittingly. "It's hard to differentiate between the two of you! I have to be shameless everytime to get a sliver of reaction out of you to find the difference." Pouted Wei WuXian as he unconsciously tugged at Lan WangJi's lapel in his frustration.

"What was differ?" Asked Lan WangJi curious, moving his hand to still Wei Wuxian's hand.

"Huh? Well ... Not like you usually act." answered Wei WuXian ambiguously. Oddly, he was looking at everywhere but the person which he's sitting on.

"Elaborate,"Lan WangJi shifted to accommodate Wei WuXian sitting comfortably on his lap. Wei WuXian blinked owlishly at the action. He feels like a prey within the predator's territory.

"It's ... Hard to explain ... But I know it's not same," mumbles Wei Wuxian, eyes downcast.

Once again a desire made its presence known to Lan WangJi. It was urging him to resume whatever it was that he had halted.

"Wei Ying," Lan WangJi called out to the other person with his timbre voice, and Wei WuXian involuntarily closed his eyes as shivers coursed through his spine.

"Lan Zhan," Wei WuXian answered softly, yet Lan WangJi still caught the slight confusion in the tone. Their faces mere inches from each others, Lan WangJi took his chance to inspect the fluttering eyelashes, the lightly flushing cheeks and slightly parted cherry lips.

"Wei Ying, be honest and tell me what are you thinking, feeling and want right now," even though he closed his eyes, he can feel the prickling sensation as someone focusing on him. He can feel the puffs of warmth breathe as Lan WangJi talked near to his face. The hand on his arms, instead of making him feel entrapped, he felt warm and secured, even as his lower back was leaning by the table.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei WuXian's brows furrowed as his visage shifting into puzzle expression.

"I've seen ... glimpses in your dreams, I want to know your thoughts on this matter," Wei WuXian opened his eyes to gauge Lan WangJi's true meaning.

"You ... Saw ..." Wei WuXian whispers as his body started to tremble, his eyes blown with fear clearly shown. "What ... did ... you saw?" Asked Wei WuXian as he struggled with his instinct to flee. The hands on his arms had him stay seated on Lan WangJi's lap. He's feeling terrified that Lan WangJi had found out about his crush but he's too stubborn not to find out the other's feeling regarding the information.

Contrary to many beliefs, Lan WangJi quite adapt to human feelings. He just better at putting on his expressionless mask as his defence mechanism to ward of any unnecessary advances. Seeing Wei WuXian's reactions, he knows the younger man had feelings for him and  terrified that Lan WangJi had found out about it.

Lan WangJi leans forward to whisper in Wei WuXian's ear, "I saw ... something disgustingly ..." He smirked as Wei WuXian started to struggle, "adorable and cute," he finished and Wei WuXian literally froze.

. . . . .

'Lan Zhan! You can't do this to me now! I'm trying to hold back, to take things slow ...' ranted Wei WuXian internally. The situation he's currently in never appear in his wildest imagination. He literally was sitting on his crush's lap and being confronted, by said crush, of how he feels which sounded like ... He, Wei WuXian had died and gone to heaven.

Lan WangJi tilted Wei WuXian's chin upward, "Wei Ying?"

'That voice ... It's sinful to have that voice,' screamed Wei WuXian staring at the expressionless face.

"Wei --" Lan WangJi had to swallow in his word, as a pair of lips had attached to his. Their breath mingled warm and wet. Lan WangJi released his hands from those arms and instead of resume divesting him of his outerwear, those arms sneaked under his armpit to hug his torso. A slight angling, a wet tongue slip out wetting their attached lips as if asking for next action.

Lan WangJi keep looking into the stormy eyes, looking for hidden clues. His desire getting wild the closer and the longer the other person within his reach. His crumbling inner wall might not survive this encounter.

"Lan Zhan ... Do you mind if we take thing slow?" Whispered Wei WuXian, his breathlessly. He pushed himself back by resting his hands on Lan WangJi's chest. He can't help but to tranfix on the chest under his clammy palm. There's nothing too exciting about the aforementioned body part, he'd been seeing it bare without any thread multiple times. No, the firm muscle can


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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