Chapter one// in the studio

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Ugh cammmm when are we gonna be off of this plane i said
Well considering we just landed in Canada we are going to be off shortly he said
Ok i said
Oh and we are going to your favorite place on earth he said sarcastically
Yup we are he said
At the studio
Alexis POV:
Ugh might as well post on insta while I am here I thought to myself
*20 minutes later*
Cams POV:
*ring ring*
Ugh who could that be I said to myself
Oh it is Nash
N- hey buddy
C-hey what's up
N- oh I was wondering where you are
C- oh I am at the studio
N- oh ok well Taylor, hayes , Matt, and me are at the hotel
C- well you guy can come
N- ok is it there place we went to last time
C- yup
N-ok bye see you soon
20 min later
Alexis POV:
Hey cam? I asked
Hey what's up he said
Well some people are at the door and I was kinda scared to open it so can you I said
It is just Nash, Taylor, Matt, and Hayes he said
Oh ok I said
As I was opening the door I got tackled to the ground by Hayes
Omg Hayes I missed you so much I said while jumping on him with my legs around his torso
Hey princess he said
Omg omg omg I said while getting down and jumping on Matt with my legs around his torso too
I missed you like crazy bubba he said
Yes he calls me bubba since I was 14
Hi I missed you to baeeeeee I said
And yes I call him bae
Then I kissed him in his cheek and got down to hug Nash
Hey nashty I missed I said while hugging him threw he hugged me really tight
I. Can't. Breathe. Nash. I said
Oh sorry he said while kissing me in my cheek
Oh you must be Taylor I said
Taylor's POV:
I was just standing there awkwardly because she just jumped up on Hayes and Matt so I was like uhhh
But is super hot like she is rly attractive
Oh you must be Taylor she said
The one and only I said laughing
Well my name is Alexis she said while hugging me
That is a pretty name I said
Oh she knows said Hayes flipping his imaginary hair
Then we looked at each other then busted out laughing
Back at the hotel
Alexis POV :
Ok listen up guys said cam
So everyone got here like an hour ago
I don't take order from an dumb- I was cut of by Matt covering my mouth
No bubba he said
But why baeee i said
Because he said while kissing my cheek
Fineeee I said
Jack g POV :
Cam? I asked
Yeah what's up he said
So are Matt and Alexis dating or something I asked
No he said
Oh ok I said
Oh does jack h have a crush He sang
Nooo I have a girlfriend I said
Oh what is her name he asked
Courtney woods I said
Ooohhh cam said as I laughed

Thanks for reading going to be posting the characters next update🖤🖤

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