Just You and Me.

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"Char!" I heard someone call as I was about to get out of the house. I turned around to look and see who it was. There I saw a lad who had his fringe pushed back with green glassy eyes looking at me.

"Where you off to?" he asked. I smiled and walked towards him and fixed his hair.

"No where. Just getting some fresh air and maybe do shopping?" I said.

"Brielle and I will be going out later tonight. I'm bored and I want some qualit time with my bestie." he explained I laughed and he paused.

"Yes Nathan, you can come with me" I finally said he cheered and placed his arm over at my shoulder and we went outside. We first went to Starbucks to buy us some drinks and he dragged me to a store where he could buy his hats.

"Nathan! you've got thousands of them already, plus I'm sure there are lots of hats from your fans" I said as he was trying on a blue one he pouted at me and it made me giggle.

"Please! I really like this one." he begged I wanted to make it up to him so I told him I would treat him and buy something for him.

"Ugh. Fine. Like I can stop you." I said taking it from him and watching him clap then wink at me. I rolled my eyes. I went over to the counter and paid for it. They gave me the bag and I handed it to Nathan. 

"Thanks Char!" he said as he went to kiss my cheeks. I stopped myself from blushing. Why does this boy have to do things hat makes me blush!

"You're welcome. Now you have to go with me and buy some stuff" I said  walking out and he followed me. We bought some clothes and shoes.

"Why're you buying a lot of these?" he asked as I was looking at myself with the dress I took.

"I have an audition tomorrow" I smiled at him and he stood up  placing his hand over his head and got speechless. 

"Where?" he asked hugging me tight. 

"X Factor" I said he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"I know you'll do great. What song will you sing?" he asked as I got back to the dressing room.

"Catching Snowflakes by Pixie Lott" I slipped on my sweater on top of my white vest top. I got out and saw Nathan staring at his phone. "Who is it?" I asked as I looked at a rack of bottoms.

"Bree." he muttered "she said she wants to talk" I froze and he looked like he didn't like what he read.

"Go Nath. It looks pretty serious. I'll be fine" I said walking over at him. He looked at me and sighed. "Go on." I faked a smile and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you Char! You're the best. I swear next time I'll treat you out. Just you and me." I rolled my eyes and made him turn around and pushed him out. He stopped and looked at me again.

"BYE NATH" I said he laughed and went out the last phrase he told me was on repeat 'Just you and Me' it sounded perfect. I guess when you really love someone you don't have anything else to do, but to sacrifice the simplest thing right? And I sacriiced that small time we spend together. I took a deep breathe and went back to looking for clothes to wear for my audition.

My phone began to vibrate and I looked at it to see a message from Nath.

'I'll be there with you on your audition ;) I'll make it up to you. Okay? I promise. x' I smiled and replied to him a simple thank you with 2 Xs.

"Charlotte?" a female voice called. I looked back and saw a lady with brunette colored hair her skin a bit pale and her eyes were blue. My eyes widened and I gasped.

"Oh my god! Cass?!" I said she gave me a nod and opened her arms for me. I hugged her tight. "How have you been?!" I asked 

"I've been great. I'm working as a make-up artist" she said. Cassandra aka Cass was my best friend back in college. She looked so different now. She was actually someone who was badly bullied in school and I was the one who stood up for her since then we became really close and no one ever bothered her. "How about you? I haven't heard from you after graduation except knowing you moved here" she explained.

"Well, I'm actually on my audition tomorrow and I need clothes to wear." I said raising the clothes I was holding. She laughed and she asked if she can come with me. We did a lot of shopping and I mean A LOT.  Then went for coffee.

"Ummm, Char." she called I looked at her as we sat down "I was wondering do you know any place or artist that needs a make-up artist?" she asked slightly looking down.

"Why? I thought you are working as one?" I replied moving closer.

"Well, I'm not making enough money with only one client" she said fiddling with her fingers. I smiled and got my phone out and called Jay.

"James," I said as he picked up the phone "isn't it Debs took a leave?" I asked he answered yes and I smiled at Cass "I found a great make-up artist that can fill in Debs' place. Can she work for you while Debs is gone?" I asked. He paused for a while and finally said yes. "Great! You want to meet her later today?" I asked. He agreed again and I hung up.

"Got you a job" I winked at her and she squealed and I laughed. She stood up and hugged me so tight.

"OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE MY SAVIOR!" she said I laughed and gave her a pat on her arm. Soon we both got a cab and went over to our house.

"Lads?" I called. Siva went out of the room and smiled at me. I grabbed Cassandra's hands and lead her to the living room. "Heyya" I said to all of them they all waved and noticed I was with someone so they stood up and Tom grabbed a shirt. I laughed and shook my head. "This is Cassandra, she'll fill in Debs job for a while" I said they all smiled at her and shook her hand as they introduced themselves.

"Isn't it there are five of you?" she asked.

"Yeah, Nathan had to take care of something" I said she nodded and I gave her and th rest to know each other.


The next morning I was getting ready for my audition and I just found out Nathan didn't come home last night at all. Guess he had fun with Brielle. I got my phone and saw 0 messages.

'Hey bestie! noticed you didn't come home at all. Make sure to be on my audition! You promised!" I pressed send and smiled.

I wore my skinny jeans, tube and white long sleeved button up sheer top on and slipped my black suede pumps on. I sat down infront of my mirror and sighed.

"I was never good with make-up" I mumbled to myself.

"That's why I went here early" I jumped hearing Cassandra's voice. I smiled and she got a chair and sat beside me. "Just a simple one though" she said I gave her a nod and she began to place foundation and other stuff on me. After 30 minutes or so she smiled and placed her stuff down. I smiled back and looked at the mirror. WOW. I still looked like me only all lemishes and stuff were gone. My eye bags were hidden. I smiled and hugged her tight.

"God you're good with make-up" I said she laughed and I got up getting everything I need. "Can you please watch?" I asked she bit her lip and I frowned "come on Jay will be with you" I reassured her. She sighed and finally gave making me brighten up.

We were on our way to the venue and I got really nervous.

"You're going to be great" Jay said as he hugged me. I checked my phone again and still no reply.

Nathan wasn't answering my texts or calls. He promised he'd support me. Nathan please don't fail me in this. 

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