Why'd you kiss back?

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I woke up and didn't bother sitting up at all. My head was throbbing and I knew it was a hungover. After 30 minutes or so I went down to get some medicine and water. Everything was loud down stairs and it was making my headache worse. My hair was a mess and I know my make-up had smudged and all, but I don't care. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge got the water out and seached for the medical kit. 

"Hangover?" Tom asked placing the plates they just used in the sink.

"Bad one." I muttered as I took the meds and drank water. I sat on the counter rubbing my forehead.

"Fuck my head hurts!" I yelled gathering attention to myself from the lads. "Sorry" I said. They all watched the game and I cursed under my breath. I passed by Nathan who was just entering the kitchen.

"So that's it?" he whispered, but loud enough for me to hear. Tom walked past us and joined the others.

"What do you mean?" I asked turning around.

"About last night---" I remembered everything all of a sudden. The kiss. When I pushed him away.

"Oh god" I cut him off and he just looked at me. "I just remembered." I stuttered and it was all flashing back. "Can we just forget about that? We two were both badly drunk. No one has to know." I pleaded and he smiled hugging me.

"I thought you were going to ignore me." he said his voice making it vibrate on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms on his waist and hugged him back.

"Never." I whispered. I wanted it to happen again. I want him to kiss me and his arms wrapped around my waist. I wanted him. I needed him. He pulled away and his eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

"Why'd you kiss me back though? I mean others would've pulled away at once." he wondered. I froze and looked at him.

"Because she loves you." I heard someone say behind me and I turned around seeing Jay.

"What the hell?!" I said smacking Jay really hard.

"Come on Charlotte. He needs to know once and for all." he defended himself while rubbing his arm.

"You love me?" Nathan repeated. I faced him and it took a few seconds before I gave him a nod.

"You don't have to say anything Nathan. This is just stupid. I'm sorry." I stormed off pushing away Jay. I ran to my room locked the doors and sobbed. He knew and he didn't say he loves me back. I am really going to kill Jay! 

I didn't get out from that room for the whole day and skipped my meals. They all tried getting me out...all of them except Nathan. Was he mad at me? Will he ignore me instead? Will it destroy our friendship? All of these question made my heart shatter more and more.

I heard my door unlock and saw a shadow come in. He was wearing a cap so I knew it was Nathan.

"Go away" I croaked. The lights were closed so I wasn't worrying if he'd seen my face with more smudged make-up. 

"Let me tell you something first." he whispered.

"You don't have to say anything Nath. I know you still love Brielle and you can't love me the way you love her. I understand. Now, please just get out and don't show me that sympathy because I don't need it." I told him straight forward and I felt his hands made it was to my cheek making me look at his face. The light from lamp stand outside helped me see his face a bit clearer.

"I don't hate you. I will never hate you Char." he whispered wiping my tear with his thumb. "The truth is, I loved you. When we two got along really well last year that's when I realized that you are the girl I want to be with because you understand me, support me, and show that care no one else showed to me. But you're my bandmate's sister so I though Jay would hate me if I made a move on you." he continued talking and I can't believe I was hearing this. "then I met Brielle. She was amazing. I thought she would be a great replacement with the way I had feelings for you. I loved her don't get me wrong, but no one else made my heart beat the it used to beat whenever I see you." he finished the whole sweet speech and I started to tear up. "Charlotte. I want to work things out between us." he said moving closer to me. I could see his eyes welling up as well and I smiled resting my hand on his cheek when the tear streamed down his face I went closer and kissed it. He pulled me into a tight hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I smiled.

He kissed my cheek and took my hand leading me to the bathroom as he told me to clean and freshen up. I did as I was told and we both went down. 

"I'm sorry sis" Jay said standing there. I let out a deep breathe and rolled my eyes, but who was I joking if he hadn't dropped that bomb then this wouldn'g have happened. I hugged him and when I pulled away I smacked him again and the lads laughed at us. I looked at Nathan who was now smiling back at me. 

This is it. This could be the start of a new beggining for both of us. 


Leave The Past Behind is on hold. So I would be updating this often :D Please continue voting and giving me comments. I actually get inspiration from those to make my fanfic better :D If you have suggestions I am all ears as long as you won't be rude there would be no problems at all :) I hope you enjoyed reading this part. I'll try updating a new part tomorrow #SykesSunday. Love you all a bunch!

Xoxo, Simone

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