All is not lost

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Stevie left her music teacher's job a little earlier that day. Lindsey would be coming in a couple of hours and she wanted to be back at the house when he got there. Despite what her mother told her after Lindsey left the night before, she wanted to see it for herself, she wanted to know if Lindsey wanted to be a father to Amber or it was a way to get back into Stevie's life.

She was glad Amber was having a nap when she returned home, it would give her time to take a quick shower and get ready. Wait... Ready for what? She wasn't making an effort for Lindsey, was she? She wondered to herself. She jumped a little when Barbara came into her bedroom. 

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?"

Stevie's initial thought was to be defensive and pretend she had no idea what her mother was talking about. "It's strange." She shrugged, running a brush through her hair. "I didn't think I would ever see him again."

"None of us did." 

She reached for her make up and caught her mother smiling in the mirror. "What are you smiling about?"

"You want to look pretty for him."

"No, I don't."

"Why are you putting on make up then? You're gorgeous as you are, Stevie."

"If I'm honest, I can't think of an answer. I don't have to do this, I can have you be around Lindsey while he's with Amber, I can leave, I don't have to have any contact with him, but..."

"You want to." Stevie nodded with a sigh. "It's alright. You have feelings for him, you always have." Barbara approached her and pulled her in a loving embrace. "Don't fight it, sweetheart. What Lindsey did was terribly wrong, it was a cowardly thing to do, but he was young, too young and so were you, but you've both changed. You can talk it out, Amber can have a father and you can have a man, who loves you to pieces."

"It won't be that easy."

"Nobody tells you it has to, I'm not saying that you should ask him to move in, no. All I'm saying is that all is not lost."

"I love you, mom."

"And I love you, too Stevie. Now... finish what you've started and I'll go check on your angel." 


Lindsey showed up not long after Stevie's conversation with her mother. First thing he did was compliment her appearance and it softened her heart, even if a little bit. They had a polite chat, expecting Amber to wake up any minute, but she didn't. Stevie was anxious, but Barbara was happy, those two needed some time alone. 

"Like mother like daughter." Lindsey smiled at Stevie, who didn't understand what he meant by that.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying our daughter is a heavy sleeper."

"Or was that a jab at me?"

"Not at all." He shook his head as well as his curls that she loved so much. "Though I remember I had to get creative to wake you up."

"I hadn't spent that many nights at your place."

"You had spent enough for me to pour cold water over you a time or two."

"And I haven't nor will I ever forgive you." Stevie said, smile breaking her lips. 

They were interrupted by Barbara with Amber in her arms, who almost fell forward after seeing Stevie. "My baby! Hey, angel." She pressed her daughter close, Amber's little arms going tight around her neck. "Was your nap good?" She nodded her answer. Stevie sat her on her lap, facing Lindsey. "Do you remember Lindsey, sweetheart?"

"He your friend." 

"That's right, baby. Lindsey is mommy's friend." 

Lindsey couldn't take his eyes of the sight in front of him. He thought it was crazy how alike Stevie and Amber looked, he didn't think it was actually possible until now. She had his eyes and his curly hair, but everything else was Nicks genes without a doubt. "Can I..."

"Hold her?" Stevie finished and he nodded. "What do you say, angel?"

Amber wriggled out of her mother's grasp and took a few steps forward into Lindsey's open arms. "Hey..." She smiled up at him. "Did I tell you how pretty you are, Amber?" She nodded. "Pretty like what?"

"Like mommy." She pointed a finger at Stevie, whose eyes were filled with tears. 

"You ok, Steves?" Lindsey asked, the nickname he had given her on their first meeting was enough for her to let those tears spill.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I'm just..." She stood up, wiping under her eyes. "Can I make you some tea?"

He didn't want any, but he sensed she needed a moment alone. "Yes, thank you, that would be great."

"I'll be right back." She said and hurried to the kitchen.

Stevie closed the kithcen door gently and fell into her mother's waiting arms. "It's ok, sweetheart." Barbara held her close and stroked her hair. "You have to tell him you want him here, he won't know unless you do that."

Stevie backed off and agreed. "Yes, I will. I'll tell him." 

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