Chapter 33

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Three months later

I had just stepped off the private jet, with a major hangover. The paparazzi were bombarding me with questions on why I had disappeared.

Randy followed after me and wrapped his arm around me as we made our way through and got into the SUV.

We had flown back from Paris where I had been spending my three months off. I needed to be away from the States, I had certainly made headlines with my partying but I actually didn't care at all and it was the only way I could forget about Roman who hadn't contacted me once. Well I did throw my phone into the river on a boat ride so maybe he had.

'' These two days have been pretty crazy. So this is your lifestyle now?''

I looked out of the window to the city while we were driving to Kim's house to have lunch.

''My lifestyle has always been like this, don't give me a lecture please. You were the one who decided to fly down''

''Because I was concerned cause all I saw were these reports of you partying the night away in different clubs and bars, and since your phone was always dead and no one could contact you I figured I should track you down. And your hair went back to purple, I knew there was trouble.''

'' You forgot about my first tattoo!'' I lifted up my sweater to reveal my tattoo on the side of my stomach '' Live life to the fullest''

He rolled his eyes and looked out of the window.


'' So what made you go back to purple? '' Kim asked as she continued eating.

'' I decided I needed a change again, you like?''

''Yes it really suits you. So you ready to face everyone at the arena tonight?''

'' No but I have to go. I have been gone so long...''

'' But wouldn't they give you more time off since Roman is also out of action?''

'' Out of action, what do you mean?''

'' He had an emergency surgery a few weeks ago. He's still backstage but he cant fight right now though, so basically he's on vacation. If you had picked up your phone you would've known'' Randy commented.

I rolled my eyes, I wanted to call Roman right now but it wasn't the right time, I really hoped I wouldn't see him.

'' Guys please, lets just go to the arena.''


'' Mia! Your hair!'' I walked into my sister's office.

Randy and Kim had gone to his locker room.

'' I missed having it purple, I felt like being rebellious again''

'' I can see so''

I was wearing a tight-fitting mini black dress with platforms. '' Do you know where Roman is so I know that I shouldn't go there''

I sat on the couch and she followed. '' I think he'll be in the green room recording his message when he gets here. So you guys have still not spoken?''

I shook my head and took the magazine lying on the table and read through it.

''He asked for you , you know?''

I looked up at her.

'' He was sharing an hotel room with Dean and obviously Dean rode with him and through the pain, he kept telling Dean to call you. But your phone went straight to voicemail and even after the surgery he kept asking why you were taking so long to get there. Dean called me and Paul the entire time asking if we knew how to reach you or where you were at that time, but we obviously didn't. Mia I know you ended things with him because of his parents, but you need to speak to him''

He's my Tarzan... (Roman Reigns Fanfic) *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now