9: Nominated

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Chapter 9:

Harry POV:

I've been in love a few times and it hurt. Heart broken, tears, drama, trust ... lies.

I breathed out heavily and rubbed my eyes. My alarm clock went off a few minutes later and I clicked the button for it to stop. I lazily threw the quilt off my legs, walked out of my room and walked towards the bathroom which was opposite Ashley's bedroom.

I switched on the lights and glanced at her bedroom door which is usually closed when she's inside. This time it was open and I could see her cuddled in her bed, her hair sprawled across her pillow, her chest rising up and down. I took a step forwards and the wooden floorboards creaked, she turned around and mumbled something. I smiled sadly and walked towards the bathroom and closed the bathroom door shut.

I looked in the mirror. I looked disastrous. And that wasn't normal for me.

The white in my eyes was barely visible due to lack of sleep, I had black bags beneath my eyes due to lack of sleep, my lips were cracked and I licked them but nothing changed. My hair wasn't even in the usual style after I wake up, the curls were mixed together and some were facing up or just flattened. 

I scratched my head and decided to take a quick shower so I stripped out of my clothes and entered the shower. I waited until the water was heated up before I got beneath the water. I wetted my hair and applied shampoo, I rubbed vigorously until my head felt numb. I washed the shampoo away and stared down at the drain, watching the water sliding down softly and quickly. I sighed and grabbed the liquid body soap, applied it onto my body, rinsed and wrapped a towel around my waist. I flipped my curls and bit my lip. 

I looked a bit better ... at least. I wiped my feet on the soft, red carpet on the floor and headed out of the bathroom without drying myself.

I didn't care if Ash was going to end up screaming and yelling at me for leaving wet footsteps on the floor. At this point I was sick of everything.

After drying up myself and my hair, I put on blue jeans, white T-shirt and a pair of black socks. I wasn't planning on going out anywhere but I wanted to look presentable and look better than I was looking this morning, plus my curls were in their usual position again.

I strode through the corridor lazily and headed towards the kitchen, Ashley's bed was empty and so was her bathroom and the main bathroom.

"Oh my God!" I heard her squeal. "Are you serious!?"

She squealed a bit more, sounding like our fans when they see us. 

"Simon, if you're messing with me right now, I'm going to kill you!" she warned, I rolled my eyes and entered the kitchen.

She was still in her black and grey, soft cheetah pajama trousers and black tank top, which counted as her pajamas. She was walking back and forth, her cell phone held to her hear.

"Fine, fine, fine I believe you! This is just unbelievable! I just can't even digest any of this! It's not even possible! My single has only been out for a few months!" she said.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known. She looked up at me, smiled and focused back on what Simon was telling her.

Hold on. 

Just ... wait!

Did she just ... smile at me!?

Since when does she smile at me !?

I must be dreaming, right? 

Apparently not.

"Okay," she said, a huge grin spreading across her soft, pink lips. "Mhm, talk to you later Simon."

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