Chapter 4

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The trip to Asgard was complicated. Agent Hill insisted on having them bring communication devices to Asgard but Thor declined saying that mortal technology won't be much of use. The 4 of them gathered in the circle and Thor gave the instruction for them to hold on to the case's handles. With a strong twist they found themselves traveling out of one realm and into the next: Asgard.

They found themselves in the middle of the repairing bifrost. Commotion about mortals entering Asgard quickly spread through the workers repairing the rainbow bridge. Thor didn't take notice as he heads towards the looming gold structure of the Asgardian Royal Palace. The Avengers quickened to match his pace.

Daisy wasn't sure how long they had traveled. Over and over she was marveled by the vastness and complexity of Asgard. By the time they reached the front gates of the castle, she was sure her jaw had dropped all the way to the ground. The guards parted as Thor passed moving in a quick but steady pace. After a series of twists and turns Thor eventually stopped at a less pleasant section of the castle: the dungeon.

Asgardian dungeons were quite different yet similar to earth's prisons. Thor explains that there were close to no prisoners in Asgard because the primary punishment for offenders was banishment: to earth. Stripped of powers and thrown into the mortal world to live and die like humans. But Loki was an exception. The officials decide to keep Loki as far away to Earth as possible and the only two options were execution and confinement. Being the son or adopted son of the Allfather, Loki's life was spared and he was sentenced to live in the castle dungeon for as long as they feel necessary.

Thor stopped in front of a double door. The guards on each side opened to door with a grand flourish and in the middle of the room was a chair and a hunched figure with an unmistakable green cape. Natasha holds back a gasp and her hand flies to the gun resting in its holder. Tong tenses as the sight too. Even Daisy's bright smile vanished. Only Thor and the guards remained calm.

Natasha had expected to see chains, a cage, even prison bars that separated Loki from them but there was nothing. Loki was hunched over sitting on a chair with a bright white light spotlight forming a perfect circle around him. As the door slammed shut behind them. Loki raised his head up and gave a grin to his visitors.

"Relax my friends. I am quite harmless" Loki's voice sounded weak. Lacking the usual mischief and ego in his tone.

"Loki..." Thor started but Loki cut him off.

"I know brother... You need information. You brought help. Pity you had to travel such a long way to be disappointed..." he gave slow chuckle sounding much like his old self.

"Why won't you tell us Loki?" Natasha spoke up

"Ah... Agent Romanoff..." he grinned, "I suppose Fury sent you to play mind games on me again isn't that right?"

He turned to Stark.

"And of course... The man of Iron. Where is your impressive suit of Iron?"

"Pepper is dry cleaning it back on earth." Tony stated sarcastically. Loki gave a grin.

"Without your suit you are just another weak mortal." Loki stated. Stark opened his mouth to object but Loki's eyes flickered to Daisy who shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"And who is this?" He stared at Daisy with curiosity before Natasha cut him short.

"Loki why won't you tell us." Natasha asked tiredly

Loki just laughed.

"How desperate are you?"

"After the Chitauri attack, we want to prevent a war before it happens." Natasha replied simply.

"I won't give the information freely Agent Romanoff, but I will make you an offer... My release for valuable information of your enemies. Believe me I am not the one you should be most concerned about." he lowered his head.

Thor looked thoughtful but Daisy jumped in.

"He's dangerous Thor."

Thor opened his mouth to speak but Natasha spoke first.

"He's hurt, he's angry. He feels alone." her voice was expressionless. "He has been lied to for most of his life and it has broken him... That's enough to make anyone dangerous."

Loki's head rose to meet Natasha's eyes for just a second before she turned away.

"I want to go home." she stated before walking out the door.

Loki's eyes lingered at the spot where Natasha disappeared. And it's slightly did he feel a little warmth in his heart that he thought was long gone. Natasha was like him, and he was like her.

"Well that changes everything." Tony remarked sarcastically.

Yes... Yes it does, Loki silently thought. He felt a new plan be created in this mind. He gave a low chuckle, then smiles his famous evil grin as he watched the rest of the Avengers leave the room.

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