What just happened??

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    Sam was sprinting through Celestial City streets, police were closing in behind her shouting for her to stop. She quickly looked at her surroundings she was closing in on a dead end, the only way out of this mess was to go up and pray that Ray was there with the escape route. “Hey stop! Police. Hey!” The cops were getting closer and blocking every exit she had available. Sam was quickly running out of steam she had to get out of there she couldn’t keep this up forever, she was losing blood from the stab wound and was starting to lose her vision. She skidded to a halt against a wall. She was trapped. “Put your hands where we can see them. NOW!” Alright this whole ordeal could have been a lot better but she was unprepared for how many security guards there was. “Sorry guys, but you aren’t getting me this time. Or the next for that matter.” Without a second to spare Sam hurled herself up on to the rooftops by jumping across the trash cans and emergency stair way across the alley. Once she got up to the roofs she was greeted by her best friend and partner Raymon.

------Skip to the Overworld------

    “Okay remind me where we are going? I get that your skipping your princy duties but… where the hell do you plan on going to today? Dirk. Dirk, are you listening?” The male was starting to get agitated with his so called ‘prince’. They’ve been walking for hours in the woods slaying fallen along the way. The male was about to say something before Dirk slapped him with mud. “Shhh! Shut up Hatsu there are fallen near. And the destination does not matter. As long as we escape the capital for the day we will be fine. I mean what’s the worst that could happen, no one will know!” Dirk smirked at Hatsu and continued walking through the forest sword drawn and his left hand ignited in a bright blue blaze, giving a glow to light the way. 
    “No. The worst that could happen is we get caught, you get grounded and trapped in your study, for the next week to catch up on all that paperwork you have yet to finish.” Hatsu looked at a very displeased prince. “Where is your sense of adventure dude? You’ve been spending way too much time around my dad, all he cares about is work. Besides, we're almost there anyways. Just a little farther, I promise you’ll love it!”
Dirk rushed over and grabbed Hatsu’s hand pulling him farther into the forest. 20 minutes have passed before the two appeared in clearing with many different species of personas. “Wow… it’s so pretty. I wasn’t aware that there could be this many personas gathered in one place like this in peace.” “That’s because this is a safe place for personas that have been targeted by the fallen or been abused by their masters. I come here every now and again to see how they are doing.” Dirk looked over at the memorized bodyguard. “Anyway way let’s go see how everyone is doing! But before that you should put your weapon down and deactivate your power before so they can maintain their sense of safety Hatsu.” Hatsu snapped out of his trance and did what he was told to knowing full well what Dirk said was true, scared and abused personas can attack without hesitation if they feel threatened. Personas live with us ‘humans’ and can forge contracts with them. By forging contracts the persona and master become one and fight or save people together as a coherent being.

                    -----Skip to the Below World----

    Shit-! Raymon was menatally swearing at the fact that he was carrying his best friend who was bleeding to death while jumping on roofs fleeing from the whole C.C.P.D. (Celestial City Police Department). What the actual hell did Sam do to cause this much drama and how did she get stabbed? 
“Um Raymon?”
“Not now Sam I’m busy saving us.”
“For the love of, what Sam?”
“We lost the cops and we’re almost out of roof to jump on.”
Ray stopped and looked around and saw no cops or anything they we're in the clear for now. "Oh I guess we are in the clear aren't we.” He felt something wet covering his hands and went to check what is was, Lo and below it was Sam’s blood. ‘Damn I forgot about that.’ Ray thought to himself before feeling Sam tugging on his shirt which was basically her way of telling him to put her down. It was a mutual code that two developed in their childhood, Ray actually came up with the idea because Sam was mute, when they were kids Sam got into an accident and lost the ability to speak. A few years ago she slowly started to retrieve her voice, No one knows how she managed to start talking again seeing as her voice box was literally ripped from her throat.., well it is in the past now anyways so I don’t really see why we keep using these codes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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