𝟎𝟑; 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐞.

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for me, spring break was like gray colored skies and heavy rain: dull. it was especially boring without jayden, who quickly became my other half in a mere couple of hours. it's now been four months since we met.

his mother sent him off to a self-preservation retreat for the entire week, something she apparently did every year for spring break instead of letting jayden drink and rebel like the normal kids.

the first three days into the break jayden didn't call, so I spent most of it drawing and burning random things until it became a cycle with little few interludes to eat and sleep.

but his name appears on my phone screen now; it was thursday night. I answer, the sleepiness that pulled down my eyelids was now completely casted away. "jay?" I ask with hope.

"you have no idea how fucking happy I am to hear your voice," elated tears threaten me, they prickle at my eyes. "same here."

"how is it there?" I don't really care what we talk about, I just wanna to hear him talk for hours.

"shitty. they barely let us use our phones and they are so fucking sure that we'll reach 'spiritual and mental nirvana' with a whole bunch of mediation bullshit, makes me sick." I laugh, wiping the fallen tear off my cheek.

suddenly my phone beeps. I look and it says that jayden is requesting to facetime me.

"answer," he says, "I wanna see your face."

I press the green button and his handsome face fills the screen. his cerulean blue eyes fixate onto mine, and my heartbeat slows down. the way he stares at me has me biting my lip, my lust for him grows.

if he was here, right now, right next to me on my bed, I'd jump his bones without a second thought.

jayden and I hadn't slept together yet. when we first started seeing each other, he told me he wasn't a virgin, but he didn't need to, I knew he wasn't one. I wasn't a virgin either. I only did it once before. I had lost it to a very close friend, we were both inexperienced together, but that sex was purely driven by curiosity. he moved away years ago.

"hi." I say in a whisper, smiling.

"hey." jayden whispers back, "you in bed?"

"mhm, you?" I ask him, getting comfortable underneath my covers. jayden nods. we don't say anything for a short while.

soon though, we're having phone sex.

my thighs close together as the overwhelming feeling takes me; my index and middle finger are so deep inside, I pretend it's him and ride them hard and fast. my phone is propped up against my pillow so he can see me and satisfy himself too. I only grow more wet as I imagine the sight of jayden touching himself in front of me, with his fist tightly wrapped around his cock as he imagines me on top of him. I ride my fingers faster.

jayden's loud grunts throw me off the edge, I cum and I moan his name when I do, but I don't stop fucking myself. my eyes are shut tight and I'm not ashamed to have jayden watch me unfold; I grip at my sheets when I feel myself start to cum again.

"fuck, babygirl, I'mma cum."
"me too."

I see the entire night sky when I come undone for the second time.

once my high is over, I lift my hips up to relieve my glistening fingers. I fully collapse on my bed, weak and panting. "fuck," I hear jayden say, and I look at my phone to see his head up towards the ceiling with his eyes tightly shut. he has the most pained yet pleasured look on his face when he comes; it was heavenly to watch. after he slowly came down from his high, he looked into my eyes again, his eyes now a darkened blue.

"when I come back home, I'm fucking the shit outta you."

my mind was made up. I didn't need to think about it anymore. I am in love with jayden, and I will keep loving him shamelessly, shamelessly so.

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