𝟎𝟔; 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞.

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jayden did not like surprises.

it was kind of ironic due to the fact that he didn't like predictability either, but I knew he was going to be pissed off about his own party.

his mom called me a week ago to ask me if I wanted to help her throw an eighteenth birthday party for her son, I said yes. I was shocked thinking that jayden agreed to one; but then his mom hits me with,

"okay, make sure you don't tell him. it's a surprise."

like what?

now I'm in his gigantic ass mansion a week later helping his mom and the hired workers decorate the place, a frown was on my face the entire time except when I faked a smile at his mom, which was often since she constantly asked for my opinion on everything. when we're fully finished with the house, I hesitantly approached her.

"does jayden like parties?" I ask her even though I knew the answer. I just wanted to see what was going through this woman's mind.

his mother let out a heavy sigh. "no, his last party was when he was five and he threw a month-long tantrum about it."

"so, I don't mean to sound rude or anything..." I start but then she turns to me with a small smile, "but why in the hell am I throwing my son a party if I know like the back of my hand that he won't respond well to one?" she lets out a sigh.

"he's eighteen today and I just wanna make him feel independent since I've never really treated him that way due to his disorder. I want him to have fun since he's legally an adult now and I asked you for help because he really does love you and..." his mom was way past a single tear at this point, her waterproof mascara did her justice as her thick lashes became wet, "I just want him to be happy."

I take a step closer to hug this woman. she had really gone out of her way to create the perfect party, really the perfect life, for her imperfect son. to see her care so much softens me; if only jayden could see this side of his mother rather than the demanding, overprotective side. the whole thing makes me think about my mom and how concerned she always is for me.

"jayden loves you back, I swear. he's definitely not gonna like the party but I know that he cares." my words of comfort seem to have an effect, she hugs me back saying, "thank you."

I try not to show that I'm freaking the fuck out on the inside after I pick up jayden from his psychiatrist's office; I turn left into his bougie ass neighborhood as he rants about his doctor.

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