𝟎𝟒; 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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I was happy as fuck when sunday morning came. I packed my bags, gave some random asshole who worked for the retreat program the key of the room I was staying in and left the retreat site with my middle finger in the air.

"sayonara, fuckers!"

I jam a cigarette between my lips before I light it. I take the highway home. the thought of my head between sequoia's thighs motivates me to speed. we haven't talked since thursday night because the retreat people took back all the phones, which only made me miss her three times more. I get hard at the thought of what her pussy would taste like.

I make a stop once I'm back in pearl city.
I buy a single red rose.

I park in the driveway of her home. I take one final puff of the cig before I flick it onto the grass and smush my foot on it. I take the rose and go up to her porch. before I can even knock, I'm pulled inside by her hand fisting my hoodie. her lips are instantly on mine and I almost lose my fucking mind.

"is your mom home?" I ask between our kisses.

"no, she left for work an hour ago."

"then jump."

she does, wrapping her legs around my body, I drop the rose to catch her and my hands go directly to her ass. I rub it slowly as I take us to her room. sequoia was already moaning for me as she attacked my lips, what a time to be alive.

I lay her on her bed and finally take in what she's wearing; I could've came right there just at the sight of the light pink lace against sequoia's sexy dark brown skin. I didn't even tell her that I liked lace, I guess she just knew.

and the fact that she did only made me rip it off of her faster.

I take off my hoodie so I could be topless, then I dip my head between sequoia's smooth thighs, she's whimpering before my mouth even touches her. I get on my knees and hold down her hips before the moment I had been waiting for comes; I slowly drag my tongue against the opening of her soaking pussy, from the bottom up to the clit, sequoia lets out the most fucking delightful scream, and I lose all common sense when she does.

I use everything my mouth had to offer on her cunt.

both sequoia's hands pull at my hair as I eat her out, her thighs squeezing against both sides of my head as I sucked the fuck out of her shit. she smelled like peaches and tasted like something good, I didn't know what it was but I knew I enjoyed eating the hell out of it.

I was scraping the ends of my teeth against her walls and clit when sequoia told me that she was gonna cum. I stick my tongue out to fuck her with it instead, showing her that I was more than ready to taste. she came not even ten seconds later; I stare up at her when she does. she looked too fucking fine arching her back as her eyes rolled up to her head, calling out my name like she was praying for me. the sweet taste of her cum hits my tongue and I lap up all of it, every bone and muscle in sequoia's body slowly relaxes.

once it's all gone, I stand up and take off my pants and underwear. I don't need to look at sequoia to know that she was staring at my dick like it would destroy her, and it most definitely would since it hurt like shit, I had been hard for her before I even stepped into her house. I pull out the gold magnum condom from my back jean pocket and was about to open it before sequoia sat up and stopped me.

"don't use that," my queen demands. my eyebrow raises. I was more than okay going raw, but I was tempted to hear why.

"quoia, I don't wanna have kids with you yet." I say with a smirk, but I was completely fucking serious about her having my kids. she tries to stay serious but fails, rolling her eyes at me, "I mean, just fuck me. I'm on the pill and I wanna feel it, I wanna feel you."

I smile so wide that it hurts. she looks back at me as if I was about to give her the world when she didn't even realize that she had already given me the universe. I peck her lips once.

I lay her down again before I get on top, I look nowhere but in her eyes as I slide in.

we both moan at the feel of each other, my head falls into sequoia's neck as I fit as much of myself as I can inside of her tightness, she felt like nothing else, she felt rare, she felt amazing.

she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, whimpering in my ear. I start out with long, deep strokes that sequoia gasps and shakes for, I shut my eyes when my deep thrusts quickly become aggressive. I pull out more and slam in harder, sequoia screams as she scratches the hell out of my back. I know she hears me when I say that her pussy is mine, she sucks the skin behind my ear after I say so. I don't think she cares anymore, I think she knows it's true.

my wet pussy tightens with every pound I give, she sucks my neck to mark her territory, I lift my head to look into her eyes. she opens her eyes and looks back at me, then she laughs when I wrap my hand around her neck to push into her deeper. I see the pleasure in her eyes and fall in love with her all over again; I bend my head down so our foreheads touch, I fuck her fast, digging my nails into her hips so she can come. she does, shrieking my name one last time. the feel of her creaming on my dick makes my vision blurry, I know I'm close.

"fuck," I only fuck her harder, determined to finish inside of what was mine. sequoia kisses me as I came inside my pussy, she swallows all my moans.

I come down from my high and I feel myself relax on top of her body, I breathe in as much as I can. that was definitely the best sex I ever had. sequoia giggles underneath me, I turn my head to look at her and I smooth out her hair with swipes of my hand. "what?"

"you weigh almost two hundred pounds but you're skinny and you feel light as fuck," sequoia tells me.

I laugh too. "it probably feels that way since you're secretly a man."

sequoia rolls her eyes before she taps me hard on my shoulder, "ow! see what I mean?!"

sequoia just glares at me, which only made me laugh harder. "aye, don't be mad at me. I got a present for you."

"where it at?"

I slowly pull out of my pussy before I put back on my boxers and run over to where I dropped the rose. I come back into sequoia's room to find her standing with my hoodie and her underwear on. the underwear could barely fit her ass since both cheeks were sticking out but I definitely didn't mind that shit. she turns to me and sees it. "is that my present?"

I take steps towards her until our bodies are meshed together, I wrap one arm around her waist and hand her the rose. "yeah, just a single one though because I wanted to be basic today." I say jokingly, but sequoia doesn't smile. she just looks at it. "what's wrong?"

"I love it, but I don't wanna seem inconsiderate—"

"you wanna burn it, don't you?"

sequoia looks up at me and the answer is in her beautiful eyes. I smile down at her. "sequoia, I bought it for you to burn."

I actually really did. I'm thoughtful like that.


"yeah," I smile wider at her excitement, "so where your matches at?"

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