Chapter 10 // Felt Enough

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You felt enough

My mum said after the incident that I needed to stop moping around and get over him. She said that it was a good thing he wasn't in my life anymore because he wasted my time.

I got so mad when she said that, I slapped her. I didn't even get in trouble for it. She knew how much he meant to me so she knew she deserved what she got.

A month later we got into another fight. She said Calum's love was fake and forced. I just screamed back that she never felt what I felt. Her final words were 'I felt enough. I felt exactly what you felt. I know what you feel. Your father is gone, too! I can relate!' and then she left.

I felt bad.

I miss Calum. I wish he was here. He would help me. He would tell me everything was okay, even though nothing was anymore.

I'm sorry for the tear stains, to whoever reads this diary. I can't help myself. And sorry for not putting dates on the entries. I lost track of time after he left. I think dates would make the diary less confusing. I guess as long as it makes sense to me, that's what matter.

I miss Calum. I really do.

You are in love // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now