Chapter 1: The Accident

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"Are you sure that this idea is totally safe, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

In the presence of all of her friends, Twilight instructed Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity to all stand side by side and keep still. Spike and the others watched from their seats at the Table of Harmony in the center of the room.

"Don't worry, Rainbow. I've tended to all of the calculations. It's completely safe teleportation." Twilight reassured her confidently.

"You teleport all the time though, darling," Rarity pointed out. "What do you need this for?" She asked curiously.

"Well," Starlight started. "Twilight and I were thinking; you guys get friendship problems from all over Equestria and beyond. So, what better way to improve the efficiency of our friendship problem solving than to make it where we can instantly appear wherever the problem is?" She explained.

"That makes sense. As long as it's safe." Fluttershy said, her nerves beginning to calm.

"Don't go vaporizing our friends now, you two. Be careful." Applejack said.

"Not to worry, Applejack. We got this, right, Starlight?"

"That's right." Starlight nodded, sharing Twilight's confidence.

"Well, let's do it then! Don't keep us waiting!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly, leaning forward a bit in her anticipation.

"Heheh, alright, Pinkie. Ready, girls?" Twilight asked them.

"Ready!" Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity answered in unison.

With that, Starlight and Twilight took their places, pointing their glowing horns at the three of them. They took in slow breaths, building up the power required to perform the spell.

"Here we go..." Spike said under his breath.


"Fluttershy! It's tea time!" Discord shouted in a sing-song voice.

Starlight and Twilight both jumped in surprise, firing off their magic. The beams collided on the ground before Fluttershy in the middle, and a dark portal suddenly opened up from underneath them.

"Oh myy!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Ah!!!" Rarity screeched.

"Guys?!" Dash trembled.

They all fought against the pull of the portal wing and hoof, but the three of them were dragged by their tails into the portal, and they quickly disappeared into it.

It closed up behind them.

For a few long seconds there was absolute silence. All in the room were frozen in absolute shock, eyes wide open and jaws down on the floor. Twilight was the first to break the looming silence.

"Discord!!!" She growled, her teeth grinding in hot anger. Discord's reaction, while shocked, was less than apologetic as he held up his hands and floated backwards.

"Easy there, princess. Now don't get your wings tied in a knot."

"Do you have any idea what ya just did?!" Applejack shouted at him.

"I...came in at a bad time...?" Discord guessed, shrinking in size slightly.

"You just interrupted a long-distance teleportation spell at its most critical moment!" Starlight screamed.

"And that's bad, right? We teleport all the time, sooo..." Discord pointed out, his head spinning all the way around.

"But this one was meant for incredible distances! If it went wrong, that means Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy could be anywhere!" Twilight responded.

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