Chapter 35: Out & About

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"Hey, Spike, would you mind sending this letter to Princess Celestia when you have a chance?" Twilight asked, handing her letter to Spike.

"Sure, Twilight. I didn't know you were sending letters to the princess again. Did you learn something recently?" Spike joked. Twilight giggled and shook her head.

"Oh goodness, it's been forever since the last time I sent a letter like that. No, she asked if I could meet her at Canterlot castle, however, I won't be able to come for another few days. I have some things to take care of here at the Tree." Twilight explained.

"Oh okay. You sure you wanna put off meeting with Princess Celestia?" Spike asked, "That's not like you, Twilight."

"I don't have a choice, Spike. I have to be here to oversee the renovations being done." Twilight said.

"Ooh, renovations?"

Before Twilight could explain further, Alex came down the steps. Twilight flinched a bit in surprise.

"Alex? I didn't bring you over today. I was gonna come get you in an hour."

"Yeah, Starlight went ahead and got me since you were busy. I'm just gonna head out on a walk." Alex explained, pointing towards the door.

"Oh okay. By yourself?"

"All by my lonesome. I'll be back. Be good." Alex joked as he made his way out the door. Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled a bit.

"Alright, have fun. See you later." She waved him off.

Alex stepped out and looked towards Ponyville. Already he saw ponies going around, to and fro; morning was in full swing. With his headphones on, he began to walk through town, casually looking around at those whose paths he crossed.

As he continued on, an occasional head would turn to look at him curiously, considering he was a new, unfamiliar face. One mare waved at him from across the street, and he waved back with a smile. It caught him off guard a little bit how friendly these ponies could be sometimes.

To his left, Sugarcube Corner caught his eye. He remembered that as where Pinkie worked, and decided to pay her a visit. He paused his music as he entered into the quaint shop.

It was a slow morning, with only one customer already picking up cupcakes. There was Pinkie Pie behind the counter, waving the mare off with a delightful grin.

"Thank you, Cherilee! Bye bye now!" Pinkie waved.

"Bye, Pinkie Pie. Oop, excuse me." The mare named Cherilee said as she and Alex swerved around each other. Alex nodded, going up to Pinkie Pie.

"Hi, Alex! I didn't expect to see you so early. I thought Twilight was going to get you in an hour." Pinkie said. Alex hummed.

"Yeah, but Starlight brought me over early. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd see how you're doing." He said.

"I'm great, thanks for asking! Can I get you something? Maybe a cupcaaake?" She offered, holding one up. Alex chuckled.

"Maybe later. I'm on a walk right now. I'll just take water, or something to give me some energy while I go around. Got anything like that?" Alex asked. Pinkie nodded quickly.

"I have just the thing for you. It's a drink of my own design, I patented it myself. I call it the Zowie Powie drink! Just give me 15 seconds!" Pinkie said before rushing back to make the drink. Alex waited idly for a bit.

"Done!" Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly behind him with the drink. Alex jumped in shock, almost climbing onto the counter.

"Sheesh, you scared me! How'd you do that?!"

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