Chapter 38: Goodbyes

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Alex was sitting in his living room playing video games, patiently waiting for either Twilight or Starlight to arrive so that he could go to Equestria again. He was planning on spending the day with Rainbow Dash today; they were gonna go to a Wonderbolt practice so he could watch her fly again, and then they'd pick up some ice cream afterwards.

That knock on the door finally came. He opened up the door, and there was Twilight. She was slumped over a bit, looking rather upset. Alex's eyebrows furrowed strangely.

"Hey, Twilight. You don't look too good."

"I don't feel too good. Can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure." He nodded, and she came in. He looked outside to see if anyone else was there, but she had come alone again.

"First off, I wanna say that I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable before. I just wanted to say my thanks, I didn't mean anything else by it." Twilight said, sitting down.

"Oh. Um, it's alright, I guess. I really kind of overreacted to it, I've just...never been thanked like that before, and you know, I just started this thing with Rainbow Dash, so I wasn't sure what to do about it..." Alex explained awkwardly.

"That's not why you look so hung up, is it?" He asked. She shook her head.

"Oh, poor Rainbow Dash, she's gonna be crushed." Twilight said in realization, dropping her face into her hands and shaking her head.

"Crushed by what? What's going on?" Alex asked, sitting adjacent to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, Alex, but I've been asked to not take you to Equestria anymore."

"What? Why? What happened?" Alex asked again. Twilight sighed.

"It's been brought to my attention that the portal that we've been using to go back and forth is posing dangerous risks to both your world and mine, so I've been asked not to open it anymore." Twilight explained.

"So...that means won't be coming back?" Alex asked. Twilight shook her head.

"Can you have Evan come? I'm sure he'll want to say goodbye too." Twilight said. Saying the word 'goodbye' made it clear to Alex that this was serious; this was the end...

"I'll call him right now." Alex said.

"I can't believe this... Twilight, surely there must be something that you can do!" Rarity pleaded with her. Twilight shook her head.

"I don't have a choice... Princess Celestia didn't give me one." Twilight said with a sigh.

"But-but that's not fair!" Pinkie said, looking highly upset by this.

"We-we just..." Rainbow Dash's voice broke off as she leaned against Alex sadly. Alex wrapped an arm around her.

"Yeah..." Alex sighed.

"So... We'll never see each other again...?" Fluttershy asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at Evan. Evan just hugged her; it was difficult to see her cry.

"It looks that way, I'm afraid." Applejack said quietly.

"We just...wanted to have a chance to all say our goodbyes..." Starlight said. The raw emotion in the room was weighing heavily on her as well.

"Well, I guess this really is it then..." Rarity said acceptingly, sighing once more.

"We really can't thank ya'll enough for all ya'll have done for our friends. We'll never forget it." Applejack said, being the first to hug both Evan and Alex.

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