Chapter 18: Mini-Golf

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The three girls were all on the edge of their seats, watching as Alex battled one-on-one with a large monster with lower half of a horse and the top half of a lion-man, a creature that Alex had identified as a Lynel.

Alex maneuvered Link in a half circle as the Lynel raised its sword and swung it at his knees. He backflipped over it, enabling a slow motion cutscene. Alex jumped in and began to attack the Lynel in a furious combo with his broadsword.

"Nice!" Rainbow Dash encouraged him.

"Thanks." Alex said before refocusing his attention on the game. The Lynel reared back a little bit, beginning to circle him. It came in for another attack, and Alex backflipped over it again. He drew his bow, firing an arrow into its eye to stun it.

While it was stunned, Alex ran to it and jumped onto its back. He began clubbing at it as it tried to buck him off, inflicting more damage. He jumped off of its back, drawing a different type of arrow and fired it, setting off an explosion in the back of the Lynel's head. That took out the Lynel, and it disappeared into purple smoke.

The girls all cheered at Alex's victory, applauding him. Alex was surprised by this, but grinned a bit and sighed in relief.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"You're really good at this." Fluttershy complimented him.

"It's just practice is all." Alex chuckled.

There was a knock at the door just then. Alex's eyebrows furrowed a bit, and he stood up. It was clear that he hadn't been expecting any visitors. He opened the door, and immediately he was at ease again. He stepped aside, allowing for Evan to enter again.

"Evan!" Fluttershy was the first to get up and greet him with a hug, which he returned without even really realizing it.

"Hey there. Good to see ya'll again." He said.

"It's good to see you too, Evan. Is everything alright with your mother?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just working, so I wasn't able to come around 'til now. What's been going on? You got Breath of the Wild going, huh? Showing off your skills?" Evan asked, teasing Alex. They shared a laugh.

"Alex just defeated a Lynel." Rarity said. Evan nodded.

"Oh yeah, those Lynel fights are crazy. I remember when Alex first showed it to me. Those fights take a bit too."

"Mhmm. Come sit man. Can I get you some water or anything?" Alex offered.

"Nah I'm good for now, thanks." He said, taking a seat between Fluttershy and Rarity. Alex sat down by Rainbow Dash.

"How has work been for you, Evan?" Rarity asked.

"Sucks. But you know, it pays the bills." He answered.

"I understand. Well, we're glad you were able to come by and see us."

"Thanks, glad I could make it. Man, we never get enough time to hang out, Alex." Evan said to him.

"Right? It's okay though, it's the only way I can still stand you." Alex said. Evan laughed.

"Haha, same." He replied in turn. The girls chuckled.

"You tease each other a lot." Fluttershy commented.

"'Cause we're brothers, it's what brothers do." Alex said with a smile. The girls all smiled fondly at this.

"That's sweet." Rarity said.

"So, we doing anything today, man?" Evan asked. Alex hummed.

"I don't know. I'm a little low on cash right now, so whatever it is, it needs to be cheap and something we can split." Alex said.

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