Chapter 10: Evan

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"Are you alright, Alex? You look a little out of it." Rainbow Dash asked him. Alex nodded, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove them.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just still waking up is all. I'mma get some more sleep when I get home before I go to work." He said.

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Rarity asked with some concern.

"I slept fine. It's just that this shift I'm working is an overnight shift, I get off at like 3 in the morning, so I'm getting my sleep now so I don't pass out." Alex explained. The three girls' reactions all made known their concerns.

"Oh my, that doesn't sound very good." Fluttershy said. Alex shrugged.

"It's not that bad." He said before pulling his car up into the driveway of a house. The three girls all looked up at it.

"Is this your friend Evan's house?" Rarity asked.

"Yep. I'm gonna go get him real quick, make sure that everything is here. Just wait here for a minute." Alex said before getting out of the car.

Alex made his way around to the front door of the house and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, Evan, a guy about Alex's age but slightly taller, with dark skin and short, curly hair, answered the door wearing a tank top and baggy pants. Old hip-hop music played from inside.

"Oh shoot, you're early man." Evan said, slightly surprised to see him.

"Clearly. What're you cooking?" Alex asked, smelling the food inside.

"Cocaine. You know how it is." Evan joked as the two bro-hugged. Alex chuckled.

"Spare me some after work. I'll need it."

"Sure thing man. Did you bring the girls?" Evan asked. Alex nodded.

"That sounds weird," He laughed. "Yeah, they're waiting in the car."

"That sounds just as weird," Evan responded. "Let me throw on a shirt real quick, but they can come in." Evan said. Alex nodded.

"Alright. Thanks man. I owe you for this!" He said, rushing back to the car. The girls all perked as he approached, and he gestured them to get out. They did so.

"All good?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yep. He has to take care of some personal stuff real quick, but he says you can come in. Just close the door behind you, and I'll see you in a few days." He said with his hands hanging from his pockets.

Alex expected them to just go on into the house, so he was caught off guard when each of the girls came and hugged him one after the other, and thanking him as well. He nodded and managed a smile as they all waved goodbye and entered into the house.

Once they entered into the lower lit home, they began to wander the living room, curiously looking around. The floors were darker, and the living room and kitchen were next to each other rather than in the same space, giving the house a larger feel.

"Well, this is nice. It certainly feels like a home." Rarity commented as they sat down on the couch, their backs to the staircase. The other two hummed in agreement.

"I hope that Alex's friend is nice too." Fluttershy said.

"And not weird." Rainbow Dash said.

"You expect everypony to be weird here, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said. Rainbow Dash chuckled a little bit.

Evan finally came on after throwing on a baggy sweater. He hopped down from the stairs, and noticed the three girls' heads all on his couch. He cleared his throat to get their attention. They turned to look at him, and then all got up to greet him.

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